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  • JBoss releases JBoss AS 6.0 GA

    Just before the new year, JBoss finalized its JBoss AS 6 application server with a GA release. The release includes enhancements for Java EE 6, improved handing of JSF and upgrades or changes to many of the included libraries like Hibernate and caching.

  • Red Hat Acquires PaaS Cloud Provider Makara

    This week, Red Hat announced it acquired Makara, a cloud based platform as a service company. Makara is unusual among PaaS providers in that it doesn't have any infrastructure of its own. InfoQ examines some of the details about where Makara differs from other providers.

  • Activiti 5.0 GA, the Apache 2 Licensed BPMN 2 Engine Released

    Alfresco has just released version 5.0 GA of the Activiti engine, an Apache2 licensed BPMN 2.0 implementation. InfoQ talked with project lead Tom Baeyens on the new release. Tom is also the creator and former project lead for the jBPM project.

  • Nuxeo Introduces Plug-in Marketplace, CMIS Support to its Enterprise Content Management Offerings

    Open Source Enterprise Content Management (ECM) company Nuxeo has updated its Open Source OSGi-Based Content Management Infrastructure, adding support for JBoss 5.1, JBoss EAP, and CMIS 1.0, and introducing the Marketplace providing a distribution channel for Plug-ins.

  • Red Hat Expands its Cloud Strategy

    Last week, Red Hat released a comprehensive Cloud strategy aiming at increasing interoperability between Clouds and portability of applications from one Cloud to another. Red Hat also submitted its APIs to the Apache DeltaCloud initiative.

  • Arquillian, Shrinkwrap and Seam 3: Q&A with Pete Muir, Principal Engineer at Red Hat

    InfoQ talks to Pete Muir about JBoss' Integration testing tool Arquillian, archive assembly of JARs, WARs, and EARs with ShrinkWrap, and plans for Seam 3.

  • Standards and Open Source for Cloud Computing

    Three recent announcements highlight the evolving cloud ecosystem in favor of openness and standards. Red Hat has moved its Deltacloud effort to the Apache Incubator, Rackspace has made its Cloud Files code open source, and the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) has released two documents laying out the essential functions for cloud computing and descriptive language for them.

  • Q&A with Gavin King on the Impact of JSR-299 and Weld 1.0 on Java EE and JBoss

    As Red Hat ships Weld, Java EE 6's reference implementation for JSR-299 (Contexts and Dependency Injection for Java EE), InfoQ talks to specification lead Gavin King about the impact that JSR-299 will have on Java EE 6 and JBoss' products and platforms.

  • Bill Burke Discusses REST-*, SOA/ROA and REST

    InfoQ's recent post on REST-*.org, which covered the announcement of REST-* and some of the community response to it, has drawn many responses. Changes have also been made to REST-*.org as a result of some of the feedback. Infoq had a chance to interview Bill Burke, a lead for the REST-* initiative, to learn more.

  • REST-*.org

    During the recent JBoss World conference a new REST* initiative was announced. The initiative is intending to be an open source community, similar to JBoss and Apache, that will try to come up with clear guidelines so that there's a place for everyone to go when they need answers to REST-related questions.

  • Drools 5.0 Supports Workflow and Event Processing

    The latest version of Drools, an open source business logic integration platform, supports workflow and event processing. Drools development team recently announced the release of Drools 5.0 final version. The major shift is that Drools 5.0 focus is on a knowledge oriented system rather than just a rules oriented system. The new version has four modules called Guvnor, Expert, Fusion and Flow.

  • REST and transactions?

    The topic of distributed transactions and their place within a REST world has come up again recently. Many people have indicated that they are either thinking of using the combination or are doing so now. Others, including Roy Fielding, believe that the two simply do not go together.

  • JRuby Roundup: GitHub:FI, JRuby on JBoss with TorqueBox, EngineYard with JRuby Support

    GitHub now offers an installable version of the service for users who want to keep their code inside their network - and it's built on JRuby. TorqueBox is a new solution for running JRuby on Rails on JBoss, complete with integration for job queues and SIP integration Also: EngineYard announced it will start providing JRuby as a hosting option in July.

  • Infinispan Interview

    In this virtual interview we talk with Manik Surtani, the project lead for the JBoss Infinispan project, which is the latest offering to enter the open source data grid space. Manik covers Infinispan, how it relates to JBoss Cache and other alternatives, as well as where the project is going.

  • JBoss Developer Studio 2.0 released

    Earlier this week, RedHat announced the availability of JBoss Developer Studio 2.0 which provides a complete package of Eclipse along with the JBoss Enterprise Application, Portal, SOA and Data Services platforms. The solution provides a robust, integrated development environment for rich web applications and mission critical enterprise applications in a single package.