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Rails developers can draw from a huge pool of libraries to build their applications. Dozens of options are available just for templating: do you use ERB, HAML, SASS, or do you prefer a JavaScript approach with Backbone.js or Knockout.js? The possibilities are endless, so we want to find out what our readers are using, or planning to use in the future.
In a first step (RFP), we asked you for suggestions. We received many answers, and after asking about deployment and management, we now ask a second question about frontend. On the x-axis, you can show us what you’re using right now, or what you’ve moved away from and what you plan to adopt next. The y-axis indicates how valuable you think the specific technology or library is.
Here are the options:
- Backbone.js: light-weight JavaScript MVC library
- Bootstrap: Twitter’s front-end framework
- CarrierWave: simple and easy file uploads for Ruby apps
- CoffeeScript: nicer-looking JavaScript alternative
- Dojo: tool kit for JavaScript based applications
- ERB: Ruby’s template system
- FormTastic: form builder for Rails
- HAML: concise markup language to describe HTML
- JS Templates: a meta item for all JS template systems not mentioned explicitly
- Kaminari: a paginator for Rails
- Knockout: dynamic JavaScript UIs following the MVVM pattern
- LESS: extending CSS with dynamic behaviour
- mustache: templating for HTML, source code, etc
- Rails Templates + JS: a meta item if you prefer to let Rails handle the templating
- SASS: more powerful syntax for CSS SimpleForm: flexible and powerful forms DSL