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  • Service Workers Promise to Make Web Apps Feel Native

    The service worker browser feature holds promise for developers looking to make their web apps feel more like native apps. Running in the background and without user interaction, service workers enable advanced scenarios such as offline functionality, cache, background sync, geofencing, and push notifications.

  • Firefox 34 Brings SSLv3 Security Fix, New HTML5 Implementations

    Mozilla has this week released Firefox 34, with notable features including SSLv3 disabled by default, WebIDE, and the implementation of ECMAScript 6 WeakSet.

  • Google's Recipe to Code Sharing across Android, iOS, and the Web

    Garrick Toubassi, Google Inbox engineering director, has recently explained how his team could get to "sharing roughly two-thirds of their client code" across three platforms: iOS, Android, and the web. The key is a clear separation of concerns between UI code and UI-independent logic, and a couple of tools that Google developed through the years.

  • Chrome 39 Brings Beacon API and ES6 Generators

    Google's Chrome team has released the stable version of Chrome 39: with updates including the Web Application Manifest specification, Beacon API, and support for ES6 generators.

  • Origami: Component-Based Web Applications

    Andrew Betts, director at FT Labs, presented to Velocity Europe 2014 attendants a set of home-grown standards and tools for web development. They aim to cope with the development challenges of creating and maintaining more than eight hundred * sites. FT Labs main strategy is to breakdown web pages into components built within a well-defined set of rules.

  • Microsoft, Adobe Release Critical Security Updates

    Microsoft has released secruity improvements to Internet Explorer, fixing a vulnerablity that could allow an attacker to take control of a user's system. But according to Robert Freeman, manager of IBM X-Force Research, the issue was reported to Microsoft with a working proof-of-concept back in May 2014 -- and the issue is far older.

  • Android and iOS Go HTML5 Friendly With Their Latest Releases

    The two popular mobile operating systems, Android and iOS, may be about to give a boost to the HTML5 development with their latest releases. While Google is removing WebView from Android's core, making it an updatable component, Apple replaced the traditional UIWebView with WKWebView, which has advantages in the performance, stability and functionality of hybrid applications.

  • WHATWG Is Standardizing Web Streams

    After gestating for more than a year on GitHub, the project Streams has now been adopted by WHATWG in an effort to standardize a web streaming API. The project is led by Domenic Denicola, the man that started the work on Promises, currently part of the upcoming ECMAScript 6.

  • WebStorm 9 Supports Meteor, React and Polymer

    WebStorm 9, JetBrains’ IntelliJ IDEA-based IDE, comes with a number of new features and enhancements, including support for Meteor, React, Polymer, PhoneGap, Ionic, and others.

  • W3C's Latest HTML5 Standard Ignores WHATWG

    W3C published a new version of the HTML5 Differences from HTML4 working draft. The latest version describes the differences of W3C HTML5 and HTML4, and a comparison between WHATWG HTML and HTML4 is no longer covered.

  • Chrome 38 Supports Art Direction through the picture Element

    Google has added support for the <picture> element in the recently released Chrome 38, enabling developers to specify multiple image sources based on various media queries.

  • SweetAlert Provides Alternate Way to Alert Users

    SweetAlert is a new modal dialog box library for JavaScript with a focus on style but without any external dependencies. The developer behind it, Tristan Edwards, created it as a way to ease the pain web designers experience when dealing with error messages.

  • Microsoft WinJS 3.0 Now Supports Multiple Platforms

    Microsoft has enhanced WinJS by adding support for multiple platforms and several major browsers, has modularized it and made it work with other JavaScript libraries.

  • Debugging Apps in Chrome and Safari with Firefox

    Mozilla has implemented the protocol adapters that enable remote debugging in Chrome for desktop or Android and Safari/iOS. They are to be integrated into WebIDE.

  • Yahoo Drop the Axe on YUI

    Yahoo has just announced they will immediately stop all new development on Yahoo User Interface (YUI).