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  • Resources to Start Developing for Firefox OS

    Firefox OS pursues “the goal of building a complete, standalone operating system for the open web” and lets users install and run applications created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It is based on Linux and Mozilla's Gecko and is a completely open stack that is 100 per cent free from proprietary technology. It allows developers to contribute to its code base or develop mobile apps.

  • LightTable IDE Goes Open Source, Adds Plugin Support

    Chris Granger has open sourced the LightTable IDE with the 0.6 release. Third party plugin support was the highlight feature of the release. InfoQ talked to LightTable creator Chris Granger.

  • Doc-To-Help 2013 v2 Adds Responsive Design and Content Widgets

    Component One has released Doc-To-Help 2013 v2 with a responsive user interface which automatically displays content depending up on the device from which it is accessed. It also includes content widgets such as note, lightbox, gallery, carousel, topic contents, tabs and code highlighter.

  • Om: Enhancing Facebook's React with Immutability

    Om is a new a ClojureScript interface for Facebook’s React HTML UI library. Om uses Clojure(Script)'s persistent data structures and requestAnimationFrame to further improve React's rendering. InfoQ talked to Om's creator, David Nolen, about Om and the benefits of functional concepts for application programming.

  • XAML Spy 2.0.5 Adds Add App Wizard and Feature Improvements

    XAML Spy has released updates for the month of January with support for Add App Wizard with the ability to navigate installed apps by selecting the Show All Apps button in the XAML Spy Explorer toolbar. The latest release also enables you to activate and disable XAML Spy for multiple projects at a time.

  • Intel Pushes Mobile Cross Platform Development with its HTML5 XDK

    In December 2013, Intel announced its plans to push its latest Intel XDK NEW to the mainstream by making it the official Intel XDK version and inviting all developers to migrate from the previous one by the end of February 2014. Let's look at what Intel XDK is and what is new in its latest release.

  • Nevron Open Vision Enables Cross Platform Application Development with Windows, WPF and Silverlight

    The recently released Nevron Open Vision enable development of cross platform presentation layer applications with support for Windows Forms, Windows Presentation Framework (WPF) and Silverlight. It will be soon updated to support Mac OS, iOS, Android and WinRT.

  • Ionic HTML5 Mobile Framework Alpha Preview

    Ionic is a new user interface framework for building hybrid mobile applications with HTML5 that bills itself as the "bond between native and HTML5". It provides many of the essential mobile user interface paradigms, such as simple items like lists, tab bars and toggle switches. It also provides more complex visual layout examples such as menus that slide out to reveal content underneath.

  • Webix 1.3 Adds New Skins, HTML5 Video Element and Updated Charts Widget

    Webix 1.3 has been released with eight new skins, HTML5 based video element and an updated charts widget which make use of logarithmic scale.

  • Google Announces Chrome Apps Improved Offline Capabilities & Mac Support

    Google recently announced the launch of Mac support for its Chrome Apps initiative. Chrome Apps allows developers to use web technologies to build cross-platform applications that run using Chrome as a runtime. This announcement coincides with what appears to be renewed push for Chrome Apps by Google that started in earnest in September.

  • RadControls for WPF and Silverlight Q2 2013 SP1 with Entity Framework 6 Support and Several Features

    Telerik has released RadControls for WPF and Silverlight Q2 2013 SP1 with the ability to change application icon set during runtime in addition to support for Entity Framework 6. It also provides an ability to pass event arguments to command when using Telerik EventToCommandBehavior in addition to several new features and improvements.

  • Google Releases Dart 1.0

    Two years after its initial announcement and preview release, Lars Bak announced the first stable release of Dart at Devvox in Belgium today. Dart is Google’s new web programming language and platform for developing modern web applications.

  • XAML Spy is Now Free

    First Floor Software, makers of XAML Spy, is now offering a free version of their flagship product. Known as XAML Spy Express, this product allows developers to browse the visual tree of a running WPF, Silverlight, Windows Phone, or Windows Store application.

  • What’s the Problem with Mobile HTML5?

    A recent research concludes that contrary to the general belief performance is not the main problem with HTML5 but rather the missing of profiling and debugging tools and the lack of certain APIs.

  • AnyPresence Soups-up Enterprise MBaaS Platform:Part 2 of 2

    There is so much to learn about the latest Mobile Backend as a Service provider AnyPresence's 5.0 platform geared for the enterprise that this second post was needed. Co-founder Rich Mendis provides further insight for InfoQ readers…