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  • Eclipse RAP 2.0 Released - Same Acronym, Different Name

    On January 11th, Eclipse RAP 2.0 was released, after 6 years of development. InfoQ talked to the project lead about the release.

  • Vaadin 7 Arrives with GWT as an Integrated Component

    Vaadin has released version 7 of its Java-based web application framework. The Vaadin 7 platform is the framework's first major update since 2009.

  • Oracle Updates NetBeans for HTML5

    With the latest 7.3 release of NetBeans, Oracle has updated the IDE so developers can more easily build HTML5-based user interfaces for mobile and web applications, with code completion capabilities for HTML, JavaScript, and CSS3, and a new Nashorn-powered JavaScript editor. Netbeans also gains a new stand-alone JPQL editor that allows developers to test JPQL queries directly from the IDE.

  • Helps Developers Test Code for Browsers

    Microsoft has released which enables you to test websites on various versions of IE with a series of tools including tips to build modern sites while supporting old versions of Internet Explorer.

  • Oracle Announces Open Source JavaFX for iOS and Android

    Oracle has announced plans to open source the iOS and Android implementations of its JavaFX UI platform "over the next couple of months", allowing developers to use the technology to write cross-platform applications for those platforms for the first time.

  • JavaScript Now First Among Equals on GNOME

    The GNOME desktop environment popular on Linux-based systems is making JavaScript its primary language for application development. While other languages will be supported, JavaScript will receive the most support. This controversial decision has sparked debate over the merits of the selection.

  • Lienzo 1.0: A Scene Graph API In Java For The HTML5 Canvas

    Lienzo 1.0 is a new GWT library offering an advanced API over the HTML5 Canvas. AS well as the low level operations already offered by Canvas in GWT, Lienzo adds a rich set of GUI primitives such as shapes, zooming, animations, drag-and-drop, event handling and more

  • Updated: Ed Bott Crowns Java the New "Foistware" King

    On top of repeated security breaches to the Java browser plug-in, the long-established practice of including unrelated browser add-ons with the Java runtime installer is giving end-users another reason to avoid the Java platform.

  • Vert.x Joining Eclipse Foundation

    Project founder Tim Fox's choice, the Eclipse Foundation, will be the future home of Vert.x after VMware confirmed that they had no objections to the plan.

  • Yeoman: Modern Workflows for Modern Webapps

    Front-end developers should take a note of the release of Yeoman, a front-end development workflow.

  • Flash4j 3.0 - A Java Api For Flash Development

    Flash4j is a Java API (initially a wrapper over Apache Flex) that offers Java developers a familiar way to develop Flash applications in pure Java without knowledge of ActionScript.

  • Apache Flex Graduates as TLP, but Its Future Remains Uncertain

    ASF recently announced the Apache Flex graduation as a top level project (TLP) after being in incubation for about one year after Adobe entrusted the SDK’s source code, tools and dependencies to ASF.

  • Ambient Light and Proximity Enter the DOM

    The W3C has introduced a series of APIs that allow developers to interact with a device and a variety of peripherals. Two of these specifications, "Proximity Events" and "Ambient Light Events" have entered their Last Call stages as drafts and in the coming months will enter the Candidate Recommendation stage wherein implementations will begin to appear.

  • What is the future for GWT?

    The newly formed Google Web Toolkit (GWT) steering committee recently published “The Future of GWT Report”, which captures the opinions, usage patterns and hopes of over 1300 Google Web Toolkit users worldwide.

  • What is the Future of Vert.x?

    When Tim Fox, project leader of the open-source Apache Licensed project Vert.x, left VMWare in December he had intended to continue working on the project after joining RedHat at the start of this year. However, VMWare now own the trademark and project assets, and it's not clear whether it can continue under the same name. Read on to find out what happened, and what the current situation is.