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  • Async/Await Now Available for Windows Phone, Silverlight 4

    An updated version of the Async Targeting Pack now provides asynchronous features to Silverlight 4 and Windows Phone 7.5. It also provides Portable Class Libraries targeting any of the supported platforms, including Silverlight 5 and .NET Framework 4.0.

  • Handle Multiple Postbacks with AspQ

    AspQ helps you to handle multiple postbacks without any complicated coding. It simplifies the task of developers who want to handle multiple postbacks with ease without compromising performance.

  • Sencha Releases New Software Developer’s Suite

    Sencha recently released Sencha Complete: Team, a full-featured enterprise software suite to help software developers create rich HTML5 apps for popular web browsers and operating systems. InfoQ reports on the community reaction.

  • ASP.NET Anti-Forgery Tokens With JSON Payloads

    ASP.NET MVC has AntiForgeryToken helper that allow you to detect and block CSRF attacks using user-specific tokens. However when making primarily ajax requests or using javascript frameworks such as Knockout and Backbone which have JSON payloads, the approach needs to change a bit.

  • Another Week, Another Java Security Issue Found

    Polish security start-up Security Explorations has found another hole that allows hackers to bypass critical security measures, affecting Java SE 5, 6 and 7 - the last eight year's worth of Java releases.

  • InfoQ Research Project Update

    As you may know already, InfoQ is testing a new service that we hope will provide you with up-to-date and bias-free community-based insight into trends and behaviors that affect enterprise software development. After a few weeks of being in production, we wanted to share with you, our community of users, an update on how this project is going.

  • Apache Wicket 6 Released With Integrated jQuery Support

    The Apache Wicket project has released version 6 of its open source, component oriented Java web application framework, with built-in support for jQuery , improved JavaScript event binding, easier OSGI bundling and experimental support for WebSockets.

  • Rich Client Applications With ASP.NET

    Web Developers can use client-side libraries such as Backbone and Knockout to structure their client-side code better and enable richer client experiences. We point to some resources.

  • Facebook: “Betting on HTML5 Was a Mistake” – Technical Reasons and Reactions

    Facebook has decided to go native for mobile content instead of doing HTML5 as it was the plan for a couple of years. This article contains technical details behind FB’s move, and reactions from Xamarin and Mozilla.

  • Oracle and Apple Struggle to Deal with Java Security Issues

    Java has been in the news a lot recently thanks to a rather messy response to a high profile Java security issue, CVE-2012-4681, and a related set of vulnerabilities which target the Java browser plug-in.

  • HTML5 Boilerplate 4: Improved Apache Configuration, IR Technique and Use of MIT License

    HTML5 Boilerplate (H5BP) provides a starting template for HTML5 and CSS development. It contains a set of best practices for front-end web development, including recommended web server settings. New in H5BP 4 are improved Apache compression configuration, HiDPI media query, MIT license, console.log protection and new image replacement (IR) technique.

  • Embarcadero Updates Delphi and C++ Builder, Launches HTML5 Builder

    Embarcadero Technologies launched a major overhaul of its development tools line that includes RAD Studio XE3, Delphi XE3 and C++Builder XE3. The company also launched HTML5 Builder for Mobile and Web app developers. InfoQ spoke with John Thomas, Director of Product Management at Embarcadero.

  • JBoss Developer Framework: A Documentation Hub For JBoss Technologies

    JBoss Developer Framework is a central documentation resource for JBoss related technologies. The emphasis is on showing a developer how to use the whole software stack at all layers (e.g. user interface and persistence layer) in a single place. It contains Maven quickstarts, tutorials, migration documentation and other resources related to web development for the JBoss Application Server.

  • Community-Driven Research: JavaScript MVC Frameworks vs. Compile to JavaScript Languages

    InfoQ's research initiative continues with a 45th question: "JavaScript MVC Frameworks vs. Compile to JavaScript Languages". This is a new service we hope will provide you with up-to-date & bias-free community-based insight into trends & behaviors that affect enterprise software development. Unlike traditional vendor/analyst-based research, our research is based on answers provided by YOU.

  • Community-Driven Research: Most Important and Mature Cross Platform Mobile Tools?

    InfoQ's research initiative continues with a 4th question: "What are the Most Important and Mature Cross Platform Mobile Tools?". This is a new service we hope will provide you with up-to-date & bias-free community-based insight into trends & behaviors that affect enterprise software development. Unlike traditional vendor/analyst-based research, our research is based on answers provided by YOU.