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  • PhoneGap 2.0 – One Framework, Many Platforms

    Adobe Systems has recently released PhoneGap 2.0. PhoneGap provides the ability to build applications for iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone, Palm WebOS, Samsung Bada and Symbian. PhoneGap 2.0 includes support for Cordova WebView, which enables developers to wrap a web application as a native app by using the browser control available in all the mobile platforms.

  • OmniFaces: A Utility Library for Java Server Faces

    OmniFaces is a utility library attempting to ease JSF development for Enterprise applications. It offers several solutions for common issues encountered in JSF, including validation for component groups, a renderkit for HTML5, full Ajax exception handling and more. It complements existing JSF implementations such as ICEFaces, PrimeFaces and RichFaces.

  • SPDY versus WebSockets?

    Lori MacVittie has recently posted an article describing why she believes SPDY will gain much wider acceptance in the Web than WebSockets. For her and several others, the differentiating aspect between these protocols is the way in which they use HTTP and SPDY wins because of this.

  • Visual Studio LightSwitch Adds HTML5/JavaScript Support

    Microsoft announced that they are adding HTML5 and JavaScript support to Visual Studio LightSwitch, the rapid business-application development tool. LightSwitch applications will now be able to run on Android, iOS, and Windows devices, and will focus on touch capabilities.

  • PouchDB – a CouchDB-inspired Offline Web Database

    Inspired by Apache CouchDB, PouchDB (Portable CouchDB) is a small footprint database for web and especially mobile applications that need a browser-based storage solution that can be used offline. The database can be synchronized with CouchDB databases or other PouchDBs when the device comes back online.

  • Microsoft Has Changed Its Mind: Windows 8 IE Metro Renders Flash

    In a surprising twist, Microsoft has made available Windows 8 Release Preview with support for Flash in IE 10 Metro and Desktop, both on x86 and ARM platforms.

  • Crossing the Software Education Chasm

    In their recent blog posting “Crossing the Software Education Chasm” for the Communications of the ACM Armando Fox and David Patterson from UC Berkeley address the tradeoff between university education of software engineers and actual expectations of employers. They suggest that a solution to reduce this gap consists of teaching students agile development of SaaS apps using tools like rails.

  • Web Intents: What They Are and Their Current Implementation Status

    This article shortly explains what Web Intents are and why they are useful. Google has enabled Web Intents in Chrome 19, the implementation being available to Safari via WebKit, and Mozilla is also working on it.

  • Async Features Now Available for .NET 4 and Silverlight 5

    Microsoft announced the new Async Targeting Pack for Visual Studio 11 Beta, which will allow developers to use asynchronous programming features in .NET 4 or Silverlight 5 applications. These features were previously provided in the Async CTP, which is now deprecated.

  • What Is to Come in HTML.Next?

    While W3C is still progressing with the current HTML5 specification, the work has started on HTML.Next, comprising a number of new elements and attributes, but no new APIs.

  • Recommendations for Touch Friendly Sites

    Though it really should have been done back in 2009 (the year Windows 7 was touting its touch screen support), Microsoft’s IE team has finally released their recommendations for building touch-friendly web sites.

  • Sencha Architect 2: A WYSIWYG IDE for Building Desktop and Mobile HTML5 App

    Sencha, has announced the availability of Sencha Architect 2, a major upgrade of Ext Designer. Sencha Architect 2 is a visual application builder that leverages Sencha Touch 2 for mobile apps and Ext JS 4 for the desktop. Sencha Architect 2 builds on the company’s HTML5 layout tool, Ext Designer, expanding its capabilities for building desktop and mobile Web applications.

  • ZK Web Framework 6.0 Released: New Data Binding System

    ZK Web Framework 6.0 released with a completely new data binding system, jQuery style selectors that run on the server, Servlet 3.0 Async support, new components and several other enhancements.

  • EclipseCon 2012: Community Award Winners, Eclipse 4 Application Platform, and Orion 1.0

    The Eclipse Foundation has announced the winners of the annual Eclipse Community Awards on the opening day EclipseCon 2012. The awards recognize the top individuals, projects and technologies in the Eclipse ecosystem.

  • Security vulnerabilities with HTML5 (WebSockets)?

    Lori Macvittie recently raised concerns about WebSockets vulnerabilities to viruses and malware due to the removal of HTTP headers and MIME types. Given other reported security issues with the protocol and implementations, is it time to step back and consider what a world based on WebSockets should look like?