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  • A New Survey Outlines the Trends in Mobile Development for 2012

    A new Appcelerator/IDC report concludes: HTML5 becomes quite important for mobile developers, Google is catching up with Facebook, iOS is doing well, Android slips, WP7 still interesting, BlackBerry is down, and when it comes to cloud services developers are interested in location and notifications.

  • A Native of Silverlight with Full Hardware Access

    Silverlight for Embedded is not based on .NET; it is a native technology that is programmed with XAML and C++. But it isn’t Windows 8/WinRT either, as it has full access to the underlying hardware and Win32 APIs.

  • Avoiding Performance Pitfalls With XAML

    The DependencyProperty and DependencyObject which form the building blocks for most XAML features come with a performance cost. An MSDN article “Optimizing C# for XAML Platforms” discusses this in detail along with ways to minimize its impact.

  • The New Adobe Roadmap for Flash, AIR and Flex

    Adobe has announced details regarding Flash, AIR, Flex and other related products, presenting how they see the future of these technologies. Adobe repurposes Flash for gaming and premium video.

  • PrimeFaces 3.0 Released: Ajax, Mobile and IE 9 Components for JSF2

    PrimeFaces 3.0 was recently released offering an extensive suite of JSF2 Ajax enabled components, a separate version for iPhone/Android devices and support for Internet Explorer 9.

  • Undo-Redo Frameworks For WPF and Silverlight

    Undo and Redo are commands that are commonly expected by end users and, when well implemented, can improve an application's usability significantly. At least two libraries exist that can help WPF and Silverlight developers for this purpose - a recently announced Undo-Redo framework from Infragistics (CTP) and an open source library called Undo.

  • jQ.Mobi – jQuery Optimized for Mobile Devices

    appMobi has open sourced jQ.Mobi, a rewrite of jQuery, competing with jQuery Mobile for developer mindshare.

  • Mozilla Labs Apps Developer Preview

    Mozilla has launched the Mozilla Labs Apps Developer Preview, an early view of the Mozilla Labs Apps marketplace. The Mozilla Labs Apps project allows developers to create HTML5 applications that run across multiple devices using Web standards like HTML5, CSS and JavaScript. The Mozilla Labs Apps project will also operate its own marketplace to help in the distribution of these HTML5 applications.

  • Making Technical Community More Active - 2011 Year-End Review of Baidu Technical Salon

    Baidu Technical Salon is a regular offline communication activity hosted by Baidu, planned, executed and implemented by InfoQ. The topics included cloud computing, mobile Internet, big data, log analysis and other current popular topics. This article mainly reviews Baidu’s support for technical community via Technical Salon, community’s feedbacks on these activities as well as a brief plan in 2012

  • Joel Webber on Porting Angry Birds to HTML5

    Joel Webber, co-creator of the Google Web Toolkit, held the session Angry Birds on HTML5 at GOTO Aarhus 2011, recorded and published by InfoQ. We interviewed Webber to find out more details on porting the popular game Angry Birds to Google Chrome and HTML 5.

  • InfoQ Issues Call for Articles

    InfoQ is announcing a call for articles and is encouraging practitioners and domain experts to submit feature-length (2,000 to 3,000 word) papers that are timely, educational and practical. Topics of interest include cloud architecture and development, Java, Agile, NoSQL, big data analytics, HTML 5 and mobile development. Author guidelines are now also available.

  • NetBeans 7.1 Shipped with JavaFX 2.0 and CSS3 Support

    Oracle have today released NetBeans 7.1, with a strong emphasis on GUI enhancements. The product includes developer support for JavaFX 2.0, significant updates to the Swing Builder (Matisse), and tools for visual debugging of both JavaFX and Swing user interfaces. For web GUI, NetBeans continues to flesh out its already strong HTML 5 coverage, adding support for CSS3.

  • Silverlight 5 Security: Designed for the Intranet

    Silverlight was originally seen as a Flash killer, but Flash itself is being replaced by HTML5. It was also seen as a way of delivering cross-platform applications, but iOS made that a non-starter as well. Surprisingly it is thriving in areas that were supposed to be the domain of WPF such as internal business applications and Silverlight 5’s updated security model reflects this.

  • Java 7 Now Includes JavaFX

    Just before Christmas, Oracle released a second update to Java SE 7, and a 30th for Java SE 6. As part of the Java 7 release, the Java Development Kit (JDK) now includes the SDK for developing JavaFX applications and, the JavaFX Runtime is now installed with the JRE.

  • WebStorm 3.0: JetBrains Provides a More Complete JavaScript IDE

    WebStorm 3.0 adds support for Node.js, CoffeeScript, JSLint, JavaScript Unit Testing and includes enhancements of the JavaScript and XSLT debuggers.