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  • Sencha Beats Adobe in the Race for the 1st HTML5/CSS3 Animation Tool

    Sencha released Animator, a tool for creating CSS-based animations, that lets designers create interactive HTML5/CSS3-based animations that run smoothly on desktop and mobile devices, without requiring a plug-in. Sencha Animator enables designers to leverage Web standards and create, cross-platform animations for WebKit browsers, Internet Explorer 10, and popular touchscreen mobile devices

  • SlideShare migrates from Flash to HTML5

    Today, Slideshare, the popular on-line presentation hosting site, completed its transition to using HTML5 instead of Flash for its eponymous slide sharing utility. Read on to find out more about the issues experienced and the rationale for moving over to an open standard.

  • JavaScript Extension that Adds Parallel Processing Capabilities Unveiled by Intel

    JavaScript, the language that powers the Web, has mainly remained sequentially, although parallel processing capabilities are currently available even on mobile devices. Intel Labs has been working on an extension of JavaScript that takes advantage of multi-core systems and has released a Firefox plugin.

  • Designing Loosely Coupled Metro Applications with URIs

    Protocols allow applications to launch other applications using URIs much as you would launch a website. This allows you to build a collection of small work-flow centric applications that work together seamlessly.

  • Sencha Touch 2: What to expect

    Sencha has announced that it will be releasing the beta version of Sencha Touch 2 in October and has presented the key new features, which include native packaging and performance improvements.

  • Windows Azure News: Support for Windows 8, SDK 1.5, Storage Replication and Others

    Microsoft has announced at the BUILD conference a number of new tools for developing applications that interact with the cloud: Windows Azure Toolkit for Windows 8, Windows Azure SDK 1.5, Windows Azure Marketplace, Replication for Windows Azure Storage, Service Bus September Release, and Windows Azure Service Management API.

  • Microsoft has Abandoned Silverlight and All Other Plugins in Metro IE

    Though it has been hard, we have been trying to avoid reporting on rumors about the death of Silverlight for quite some time. As in all things, rumors tend to be exaggerated or out-right false. Unfortunately the end of Silverlight is no rumor; if Microsoft doesn’t change course it, as well as Flash and other plugin technologies, will be effectively unusable when Windows 8 is released.

  • Windows 8 Replaces the Win32 API

    Windows 8 introduces a new core API called WinRT. This is used to develop Metro style applications using C/C++, .NET, or JavaScript. These applications automatically gain features such as hardware acceleration and advanced power management out of the box. Existing Silverlight and WPF applications can be ported to the new “Native XAML” libraries with minimal effort.

  • Silverlight 5 RC: Microsoft Reinforces Their Commitment with Many New Features

    Microsoft has announced Silverlight 5 RC ahead of the BUILD conference, making sure the are no more questions about their commitment regarding their favorite browser plug-in technology. Silverlight 5 has many new features, including: 2D and 3D graphics rendered via the GPU, remote video control, P/Invoke support, in-browser trusted applications, better performance and tools.

  • Resources for Windows Phone Developers

    In what’s becoming a tradition, Microsoft has once again confused the version numbers of one of their key products. In brief what you need to target Windows Phone 7.5 is the Windows Phone 7.1 SDK and the August 2011 build of the Windows Phone Toolkit. Or you can give the PhoneGap beta a spin.

  • What is the Future of Flash and Flex?

    Adobe wants to strengthen Flash and Flex’s position in the enterprise and especially in the mobile space. But a recent study shows that jQuery has overtaken Flash as a deployed web solution on the top 17,000 websites.

  • Task Parallel Library for Silverlight

    Silverlight’s asynchronous service model forces developers to deal with multi-threading from the very beginning. So it seems odd that Microsoft choose to omit the Task Parallel Library, which is the core of .NET’s multi-threading infrastructure. Fortunately there are options.

  • Mozilla Favors Web Over Native Application Development

    Mozilla has started working on WebAPI, a set of APIs for accessing device functionality usually accessible only for native applications in an attempt to develop a cross platform solution that will enable developers to write web applications once for all mobile OSes.

  • An Overview of WCF RIA Services Toolkit

    In honor of the August release of WCF RIA Services Toolkit, we are going to offer a quick introduction to the various components it offers on top of the baseline version of RIA Services. New in this build is support for EntityFramework 4.1, including code first, and a fix to the JavaScript/jQuery client so that it works with jQuery 1.5.1 and later.

  • Writing Asynchronous Tests with Rx and Silverlight

    Richard Szalay is demonstrates how Reactive Extensions can be used to make asynchronous testing with the Silverlight Unit Testing Framework less error prone.