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  • Windows 7 Taskbar Integration for Websites

    Microsoft’s is offering some of the same Windows 7 taskbar features to website developers that they offer to native application developers. Websites can be “pinned” by dragging them into the taskbar. Once there the website shows its own icon, tooltip, and jump list as if it were an installed application.

  • Moonlight Playbacks Video Directly on GPU

    Moonlight has been enhanced to support GPU-accelerated video playback. Silverlight 5 will do the same, but with extra features.

  • FlexMonkey Reloaded Released Featuring a Revamped Console

    The FlexMonkey open source tool for testing Flex and AIR applications, has released a new beta version (code-named "Reloaded"), which features a completely revamped console and full FlexUnit 4 integration.

  • Web vs. Desktop Apps: “Never Bet Against the Open Web”

    HTML5 and EcmaScript 5, provide powerful APIs, leading several organizations to consider building their applications using Web technologies, rather than the using the traditional Desktop approach. In order to explore the evolution of this trend, InfoQ had an interview with Dylan Schieman, CEO of SitePen and co-creator of the Dojo Toolkit, about the potential of the Web platform.

  • LightSwitch Beta 2 Adds Support for Windows Azure

    Visual Studio LightSwitch Beta 2 allows publishing an application to Windows Azure, has improved runtime and design-time performance, better runtime UI, and allows any authenticated Windows user to run the application.

  • JavaFX 2.0 Will Bring Hardware Accelerated Graphics and Better Licensing Terms to the Platform

    Oracle has began to the beta program for JavaFX 2.0, the next version of its Rich Client platform.,with Early Access releases open to members of the JavaFX Partner Program. InfoQ spoke to Richard Bair about the release, and future plans.

  • Native Extensions further to blur the boundary between Silverlight and WPF

    Designed for use with “out-of-browser” instances of Silverlight, it uses COM automation to expose features specific to Windows 7. The major feature areas include Message Interception, Sensor API, H.264 video encoding, taskbar extensions, Speech API, and access to portable devices.

  • Using JQuery Mobile and JSON to Create Mobile Applications

    Frank Ableson published an article last week providing a thorough introduction about using jQuery Mobile, JSON, PHP and MySQL to create mobile web applications.

  • A Case for WinForms

    When DevExpress released their roadmap for 2011, WinForms barely got a mention. As a ten year old technology that is basically abandoned by its creator this isn’t too surprising. But what it interesting the amount of negative feedback that generated. A lot of DevExpress’s customers just don’t see WPF or Silverlight as a viable replacement for their major applications.

  • NEC introduces a new Software Architecture for Unified Communications and Collaboration

    NEC corporation has recently demonstrated its Unified Communications & Collaboration Platform software architecture (UC&C) for Rich Internet Applications and IT Architectures at the Enterprise Connect 2011 exhibition. The virtualized platform utilizes Rich Internet Applications to provide a collaboration solution for companies and their customers.

  • Oracle Announces the JDK 7 Developer Preview but Licensing Concerns Persist

    Oracle's Mark Reinhold has announced that the JDK 7 Developer Preview build (milestone 12) is now available and the firm is keen to hear developer feedback. The majority of Java IDEs are also moving rapidly to support the new features of Java 7. However concern has been expressed in some quarters over the pre-release software evaluation license terms.

  • Silverlight 4 Updates Improves Network Latency, Memory Usage

    Earlier this week Microsoft released an update to Silverlight that addresses several key issues in the platform. The most notable of these is a 90% improvement in network latency and a solution to the memory leaks caused by inline data templates.

  • Moonlight 4.0 Preview 1 Has Been Released

    Moonlight 4.0 Preview 1 includes all the Silverlight 3.0 API and a part of Silverlight 4.0 API. New features include: Out-of-Browser, GPU-accelerated graphics, 3D transformation, shaders, V4L2 video capture, H.264 and AAC, and better smooth streaming.

  • Mobl – A New DSL for Creating HTML5 Mobile Applications

    Mobl is an external DSL targeted at creating cross-browser applications for mobile devices by compiling the code into HTML5, and it has been developed by Zef Hemel as part of his Ph.D. thesis in model-driven engineering and domain-specific languages, being inspired by the WebDSL project. InfoQ has discussed with Hemel in an attempt to find out more about this approach to writing mobile apps.

  • HTML5 Wish List for 2011: Interview with Michael Mullany

    Michael Mullany from Sencha has published a list of things that would benefit HTML5 during 2011. InfoQ has interviewed Michael in order to get some more details regarding his vision.