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  • Accessing Windows 7 Features from Silverlight

    Microsoft has released a library exposing Windows 7 features – sensors, speech, devices, taskbar, touch – to Silverlight Out-of-Browser applications running with elevated trust.

  • Google Explains Chrome Dropping H264

    After last week's announcement that the Chrome team was dropping support for H264, Mike Jazayeri has posted a more detailed explanation of the rationale behind the decision. Others, like the Free Software Foundation, have added their support to the decision.

  • HTML5 Labs–A Website for Prototyping New Web Technologies

    Microsoft has decided not to include emerging web technologies still under development in IE9, providing instead HTML5 Labs, a website for testing prototype technologies such as IndexedDB and WebSockets.

  • A Mono Update

    Last week Miguel de Icaza published a long post listing all the work the Mono team at Novell has been doing since the move to GitHub in July 2010. Much of the new work has been around language development and MonoDevelop improvements.

  • Silverlight 5 Timeline And Lots of Questions

    Yesterday Microsoft announced the timeline for Silverlight 5 in 2011 at the Silverlight FireStarter event. Silverlight 5 will be in beta the first half of 2011 and ship early in the second half of 2011. Developers quickly began posting impressions and many questions.

  • HTML5 Labs Launched and WebSocket Update

    Last week Microsoft launched HTML5 Labs where they intend to post early prototypes of applications running on unstable web standard specifications for .NET developers. Yet earlier this month, preliminary WebSocket implementations in FireFox 4 and Opera where disabled due to security concerns.

  • Prism 4 Final Released

    Karl Shifflett released the final release of Prism 4 to MSDN on November 12. Simultaneously, Karl also published the first installment of a series of multimedia training that is consumed within Visual Studio 2010 called, In the Box.

  • Moonlight Leaps Ahead of Silverlight with Hardware Accelerated Pixel Shaders

    Recently David Reveman added significant amounts of hardware rendering to Novel’s Moonlight. This puts it in the lead over Silverlight, offers only a limited amount of hardware rendering support.

  • New Version of Bing AJAX Map is targeted for Mobile Devices

    The new version of the Bing AJAX Map Control version 7 is one third the size of the previous version, a huge win for web sites that cater to mobile device users. Controls have been reduced in size and given HTML 5 support. There have also been performance improvements for multiple-point rendering.

  • Sencha Touch 1.0 Released - License Drops from $99 to $0

    During the keynote at Sencha Conference in San Francisco, the company announced the general availability of Sencha Touch 1.0, while changing the basic license to free, from the $99 it was during pre-release. Sencha Touch enables developers to create cross-platform, touch-enabled web apps that look and feel like native apps.

  • HTML5 vs. Flash: Where does Adobe Stand?

    In the last year Adobe seems to be embracing HTML5 and integrating it into its product strategy. During the Adobe developer’s conference (MAX), Lee Brimelow tried to clarify his company’s plans for HTML5 and especially regarding competing platforms like Flash and Flex, both for the desktop and the mobile space.

  • Writing HTML5 Applications with Google App Engine, Google Closure Library and Clojure

    Stefan Richter, CTO of, explained this week at the Google Developer Day in Munich, his vision for writing rich internet applications using HTML5 and Google App Engine and why he thinks that it will be more difficult to build a client-side component based HTML5 when compared to Server-based page rendering.

  • Silverlight Is for the Client, HTML5 for the Web

    After saying about Silverlight that “our strategy has shifted” at PDC 2010, Bob Muglia attempted to clarify what he meant. Steve Ballmer and Tim Heuer also commented on Silverlight, trying to reassure the community on Microsoft’s commitment to Silverlight, but also pointing to the fact that HTML5 is the solution for cross-platform development, leaving Silverlight to the client and Windows Phone.

  • A New Crop of Self Hosting IDEs: RedCar and JRuby, Cloud9 IDE and Javascript

    Dynamic languages have a dirty, badly kept secret: their IDEs and tools are written in languages like C/C++, C# or Java. Exceptions were languages like Smalltalk - but now Ruby and Javascript developers get to build their tooling using their preferred languages. InfoQ looks at HTML/Javascript based Cloud9 IDE and JRuby and SWT based RedCar.

  • HTML5 Is Taking Off

    54% of the video published on the Internet is currently available in the HTML5 format, according to MeFeedia, and new HTML5 editing tools are announced by Adobe and Sencha, showing that HTML5 is taking off.