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  • Avoid SDK Hassle with Build Services for Native Mobile Web Apps: RhoHub,

    HTML/Javascript code packaged as native apps allows for cross platform mobile development - but there's still a nuisance: the yak shaving exercise of installing and maintaining the SDKs of all target platforms, and running the builds. There are solutions to fix that: Rhohub for Rhodes,, and PhoneGap/Build.

  • Adobe previews HTML5 animation IDE

    Adobe during its annual developer’s conference has previewed an IDE for HTML5 animation. The IDE, codenamed Edge, uses the WebKit rendering engine to preview animations and like Dreamweaver, offers a source code editing mode.

  • A DSL for Multi-touch Gestures

    As part of the TouchToolkit, Frank Maurer and Shahedul Huq Khandkar have created a DSL for multi-touch gestures. The language is in a declarative style with two sections. The first section, labeled “validate”, contains the rules used to determine if a specific gesture is being performed. The second section contains the return values for the gesture.

  • Google & Spring Collaborate To Advance Cloud Java Development

    VMware and Google today announced an early November 2010 'general availability' of their collaborative projects to move Java-based cloud development forward by bringing the Google Web Toolkit to Spring Roo, integrating Spring Insight with Google Speed Tracer, and incorporating Google Plugin for Eclipse into the Eclipse-based SpringSource Tool Suite.

  • .NET’s Platform Divergence Problem

    For many years the platform dependency issues in .NET we very easy to understand. Almost everything people used was marked as either compatible with .NET Compact Edition or with the full edition. Aside from .NET Micro, which hardly anyone used, there wasn’t much else to worry about. But now that there is over a dozen active frameworks to choose from, the situation has grown quite complex.

  • HTML5 Is Not Production Ready

    Philippe Le Hégaret, a W3C Interaction Domain Leader overseeing the HTML standard, considers that HTML5 needs to pass the compatibility tests across browsers before being suitable for production. While early adopters present nice 3D animations and videos done with HTML5, most developers should probably wait until mid 2011 or early 2012 when the standard becomes stable.

  • GWT 2.1 RC1 Brings Features Initially Scheduled for 2.2

    GWT 2.1 RC1 contains features specified by the roadmap, such as new table and tree widgets, but also features that were initially planned for GWT 2.2, such as logging. Another important feature is an MVP framework.

  • Project Visage to Continue Work on JavaFX Script Without Oracle

    Oracle's decision to cease work on JavaFX Script, announced at JavaOne, was a disappointment to some in the community. Using the open source JavaFX Script compiler as a starting point, Project Visage is looking to continue to develop the DSL as an open-source project.

  • PRISM 4 Is Now Code Complete

    The patterns&practices team at Microsoft has released the latest version of its composite application guidance called PRISM 4 Drop 9, the library, the reference implementations and quick starts being code complete.

  • Adobe Releases ActionScript Code Coverage Plug-in for Flash Builder

    Adobe has made available a prerelease of an ActionScript Code Coverage Plug-in for Flash Builder, which aims to help developers understand exactly what code is executed while an application is running. When added to Flash Builder, the plug-in provides a new Eclipse perspective that allows you to start the code coverage tool.

  • Expression Blend 4 SP 1 Now Supports Flash UI Components

    Expression Blend 4 SP 1 can read Adobe FXG files, enabling Expression developers to use Flash UI components in their applications.

  • Windows Phone 7 has put the .NET Language Coevolution Promise in Doubt

    In 2009 Microsoft’s Lucas Bolognese announced a commitment to co-evolution for C# and Visual Basic. And the productization of F#, some have assumed it extends to that language as well. But by only offering C# in the initial release of WP7, this promise has been brought into doubt.

  • Mobile, JavaFX Emphasized at JavaOne Keynote. JavaFX Script is Dropped

    At Monday's JavaOne keynote in San Francisco, Oracle EVP Thomas Kurian highlighted Oracle's plans for the Java platform with a three-year roadmap and demos of JavaFX and other technologies. Elsewhere it announced plans for JavaFX 2.0 and the decision to drop JavaFX Script.

  • Adobe Launches Preview of 64-bit Flash Player with Hardware Accelerated Graphics in IE9

    Adobe has made available a preview of Adobe Flash player code-named “Square” that includes native 64-bit support for Linux, Mac, and Windows. It also includes enhanced support for Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 9 Beta.

  • Google Relaunches Instantiations Tools

    Having acquired Instantations Java tooling arm last month, Google has now released their tools for free via the Google WebToolkit project. This includes the high-quality WindowBuilder Pro, which can create GUIs in SWT, Swing and GWT, as well as GWT Designer for rapid GWT development, CodePro AnalytiX for automated software quality, and WindowTester Pro for automated UI testing.