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  • Advanced Scenarios for LightSwitch

    LightSwitch brings together a number of technologies including Silverlight, Managed Extensibility Framework, and WCF RIA Services. If LightSwitch becomes popular, developers who understand these technologies will have a significant advantage over those who simply wire forms together using the design surfaces.

  • Silverlight’s Role as a Web Application Technology is Debated

    Brad Becker, Director of Product Management for Developer Platforms, has written a post outlining the future of Silverlight in an HTML5 world as seen by Microsoft, considering it fit for the web. Others consider Silverlight is not actually meant for web applications but it is rather serving a niche area within web development market.

  • Amethyst, a Flex IDE for Microsoft Visual Studio Released

    Amethyst is a fully-featured Visual Studio IDE for the Adobe Flash Platform. It supports the drag-and-drop design, editing and debugging of Flex and AIR applications and it can also load Flash IDE projects for editing and debugging.

  • Will HTML5 be Secure Enough?

    Joab Jackson wrote an article detailing some of the potential vulnerabilities of the HTML5 standard set. Will security be the Achilles' heel of HTML5?

  • WAF and Caliburn: 2 WPF Application Frameworks

    WPF Application Framework (WAF) and Caliburn are two open source frameworks providing the foundation to developers to write WPF/Silverlight applications based on the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) pattern using a layered architecture.

  • MyEclipse for Spring 8.6 Released with Flex, GWT and iPhone Scaffolding

    Genuitec and Skyway Software have announced the release of MyEclipse for Spring 8.6. The latest release includes accelerators for Spring Core, Adobe Flex, Spring MVC, GWT, Spring Web Flow and iPhone Web applications. The release also introduces a new set of Spring development editors, Code Assistants, that facilitate the annotation-based development of Spring and JAX-WS artifacts.

  • Adobe Acquires Java ECM Vendor Day Software

    Last week Adobe Systems announced it was purchasing Day Software for $240 million. The deal combines Day’s JSR-170/238 based content management and digital asset management products with Adobe’s Flex, Flash and AIR in a move to corner the web content market. In addition to being a lead company for the JSR-170/238 specifications, Day also contributes to Apache Jackrabbit and Sling.

  • Last IE9 Platform Preview Available with Improved Performance and Standards Compliance

    Microsoft has released the fourth and last preview version of Internet Explorer 9, which features hardware acceleration, deep integration with the JS engine and has improvements in performance and adoption of standards like SVG, CSS, HTML5, etc.

  • Microsoft Aims Its Latest Tool, LightSwitch, at Professionals. Is it a Tool for Pros?

    Microsoft has announced a new product, Visual Studio LightSwitch, during VSLive! keynote in Redmond. LightSwitch is a VS product tailored for easy creation of Line of Business (LoB) applications. Some developers wonder if LightSwitch is truly for professionals, comparing it with Access.

  • Building RESTful services with Flash

    In a recent blog posting the RESTful credentials of Adobe's Flash are called into question. Duane Nickull, one of the main authors behind the OASIS SOA Reference Architecture and Adobe evangelist, responds by illustrating why the core principles behind SOA and REST are well supported within Flash.

  • Spring Aiming to Bring Grails-like Productivity to GWT Application Development With Roo

    VMWare, Google partnership delivers GWT integration to Spring Roo.

  • SourceMate 1.1 for Adobe’s Flash Builder 4 Released

    SourceMate is a companion tool for Flash and Flex developers that adds support for code generation, refactoring, code templates, metadata tags and more. Release 1.1 features improvements like customization of the code that SourceMate generates and improved stack traces.

  • Fixing Data Binding Problems in WPF/Silverlight

    The data binding in WPF and Silverlight is amazing in all regards. Its power and flexibility are beyond compare. Unfortunately its resistance to traditional debugging techniques is equally impressive for the wrong reasons. There is no way to really step through the data binding process, but we collected some other techniques that developers may find useful.

  • HTML5 Case Study: Building the noVNC Client with WebSockets, Canvas and JavaScript

    noVNC is a VNC client, implemented using HTML5 WebSockets, Canvas and JavaScript. InfoQ had a small Q&A with Joel Martin about noVNC and his experience in developing an HTML5 application. Challenges, common pitfalls, tooling and architecture of HTML5 applications are addressed.

  • Internet Explorer 9 Preview 3 Has Better HTML5 Support

    Internet Explorer Preview 3 comes with new HTML5 improvements, most notably being: audio, video and canvas, a faster JavaScript engine, more DOM and CSS features supported, support for embedded fonts, closing the HTML5 implementation gap with other browsers, and performing better in some areas due to hardware acceleration.