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  • Software Engineer best rated Job in 2011

    According to the best rated job in 2011 is Software Engineer, at least in the US. 200 professions across various industries, skill levels, and salaries have been surveyed to calculate the ranking which is determined by taking the work environment, physical demands, outlook, income and stress into account.

  • GitHub Passes 2m Repositories

    GitHub recently announced they had passed two million git repositories hosted, with 70% being created in the last year alone and an expected 1m users later this year. What else is new at GitHub?

  • Creating a new JVM language

    Creating a new JVM based language has recently hit the for with the news of the proposed Ceylon project. In fact, the JVM already has a diverse set of languages, both statically typed and dynamically typed. What does it take for a new language to hit the mark?

  • Footsteps: Deterministic Logging and Replay for JavaScript

    Debugging event driven applications has always been notoriously difficult. The research project Footsteps project seeks to address the problems of reproducibility by offering a logging and replay framework that records non-deterministic events such as mouse clicks and random number generation. No plugins or special browsers are needed, this done entirely with JavaScript.

  • Silo: Using Hashing and Delta Update to Improve Today’s Browsers

    On Tuesday Microsoft Researcher James Mickens discussed Silo, a framework for using hashing and delta-updates to dramatically reduce the number of round-trips to the server needed when loading a website. The technology works in today’s browsers without the need for plugins.

  • ECMAScript 5: What’s New in JavaScript Programming

    ECMAScript 5 was standardized in late 2009 but only recently has it has started showing up in browsers. It supersedes the 3rd edition, which was ratified in 1999. ECMAScript 5 is actually two languages, ES5/Default and ES5/Strict. Future versions are going to be built on top of ES5/Strict and it is recommended that the default version be avoided.

  • Engine Yard's PaaS AppCloud Offers First 500 Hours Free

    New customers trying Engine Yard's Ruby cloud platform AppCloud get the first 500 hours for free. These trial accounts come with a default Ruby configuration and run on 2 virtual cores with 1.7GB of memory. After the 500 hours the account can be upgraded to a paying account or simply expire at no cost.

  • VMware Unveils Open Source PaaS Cloud Foundry

    VMware has today announced the launch of an open source "Platform as a Service" (PaaS), Cloud Foundry.

  • MacRuby Roundup: Ruby Apps Show Up in Mac AppStore, MacRuby in Lion, XCode 4 Support

    The MacRuby team's busy working towards MacRuby 1.0, recently with the 0.10 release which adds XCode 4 support. Meanwhile, the first applications written using MacRuby have shown up in the Mac AppStore. Also: MacRuby seems to be part of the upcoming "Lion", Mac OS X 10.7.

  • The Last Flight of the Unladen Swallow

    Unladen Swallow was an attempt to bring LLVM optimisations to the CPython runtime, but hasn't seen significant activity for the last year. Now, a Unladen swallow retrospective confirms that the project is defunct and is no longer being developed. What happened?

  • MongoDB 1.8 Improves Reliability with Journaling

    MongoDB's new journaling feature improves reliability with write-ahead redo logs. Log entries are written before permanent storage is updated. When a server restarts after a crash outstanding journal files will be replayed before the server goes online. Other changes include sharding performance boosts, shell tab completion, and the addition of covering and sparse indexes.

  • Windows 7 Taskbar Integration for Websites

    Microsoft’s is offering some of the same Windows 7 taskbar features to website developers that they offer to native application developers. Websites can be “pinned” by dragging them into the taskbar. Once there the website shows its own icon, tooltip, and jump list as if it were an installed application.

  • FlexMonkey Reloaded Released Featuring a Revamped Console

    The FlexMonkey open source tool for testing Flex and AIR applications, has released a new beta version (code-named "Reloaded"), which features a completely revamped console and full FlexUnit 4 integration.

  • Object Oriented Programming is out of the CMU Computer Science Introductory Curriculum

    Robert Harper and Dan Licata, Professors of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University, announced last week that they have decided to "eliminate entirely" OOP from the CS introductory curriculum.

  • JRuby 1.6 Released: Ruby 1.9.2 Compatible and C Extensions

    JRuby 1.6.0 has been released and brings almost complete Ruby 1.9.2 support. Additionally, there's experimental support for C extensions, and Windows is now a primary platform. InfoQ talked to Thomas Enebo about the new release and what they have planned for the future.