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  • Why Speakers Love QCon London

    We go to conferences to learn about subjects from the expert speakers. But why do the expert speakers go? The speakers give up their own time to prepare and present their sessions. Few are paid, so why do they give up their time to attend Conferences where they often already know the material. We asked them why.

  • RubyGems Roundup: Release 1.5 for Ruby 1.9 and Gem Testers

    The new RubyGems release 1.5 fixes the problems with Ruby 1.9.2. Gem Testers makes it easier to develop Gems that work on many different Ruby implementations and platforms.

  • Facebook Architecture @ QCon Next Month: Infrastructure, HTML5, NoSQL, OO Design

    Flying from Palo Alto to London, next month’s QCon will feature 4 of Facebook’s finest engineers presenting HTML5 @ Facebook, HBase @ Facebook , Design in the face of scale and change (a look at OO design within their platform), and Scaling the Social Graph: Infrastructure at Facebook. Such a gathering of Facebook speakers is an unprecedented event for the UK.

  • The Latest Technology Trends as Seen by ThoughtWorks

    ThoughtWorks has issued the January 2011 edition (PDF) of their Technology Radar, a document meant to indicate current software technology trends in a concise form.

  • Lift-JRuby Integration Bridges the Gap Between Ruby and Scala

    The popular Scala web framework Lift is getting a JRuby API. InfoQ talked to Lift creator David Pollak to learn why Rubyists should use Lift and what the challenges in combining Ruby and Scala are.

  • Ruby Dropped in Netbeans 7

    Ruby/RoR in NetBeans made headlines three years ago, but after Sun was acquired by Oracle there where fears that support for dynamic languages would suffer, as this IDE would be downsized. This has become a reality, since as of version 7, NetBeans will no longer support Ruby.

  • RailsInstaller Provides Easy Rails on Windows Installation

    RailsInstaller provides Windows developers a great way to easily create Ruby on Rails 3 applications in no time. Up until now, Windows developers would be on their own to setup Ruby, RubyGems, Rails and SQLite in order to begin to create their first Rails application. Thanks to Dr. Nic Williams of Engine Yard and his team, it is much easier now.

  • QCon London March 9-11 Highlights, Registration Up 100%

    QCon London, InfoQ's in-person conference is coming up March 8-11 and registration is double last year's at this time. This 4th annual event is a practitioner-driven conference designed for team leads, architects and project management. A lot of work went into the program this year for this event with usually has over 100 speakers, highlighted in this post.

  • Appcelerator Buys Aptana

    Appcelerator, the company behind the Titanium application development platform, has acquired Aptana. Aptana Studio 3, the Eclipse-based IDE with tightly integrated support for JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Ruby, Python and PHP, is due to be released this quarter.

  • Stephen Walther on Integrating JavaScript Unit Tests

    Automated testing frameworks need both a good test library and a good integration story. While most JavaScript testing frameworks have been focusing on the former, Stephen Walther has been working on a solution to the integration problem.

  • Python Wins Tiobe's Language of the Year Award for 2010

    Tiobe's award is given to the programming language that gained most market share in 2010. Objective-C was the leader for most of 2010 but got lost ground in the last couple of months. Python grew it's market share by 1.81% since January 2010, which is nearly 4 times the overall marketshare of SAP's programming language ABAP.

  • The State of JRuby: 1.6 RC1, JSR 292 and NIO2 in Java 7, 1.9.2 Support

    The first RC for JRuby 1.6 is out and brings improved Ruby 1.9.2 compatibility, experimental C extensions support, improved Windows support, Ruby Gems Maven support, performance and profiling improvements and more. InfoQ talked to JRuby's Charles Nutter about JRuby 1.6, the impact of Java 7 on JRuby, new language features in Ruby and much more.

  • Ruby VM Roundup: MacRuby 0.8, Rubinius 1.2, MRI 1.8.7 and 1.9.2 Updates

    A whole batch of new Ruby VM releases is available. MacRuby 0.8 fixes bugs and begins the path to 1.0. Rubinius 1.2 improves memory efficiency and the debugger. MRI received new patch levels: 1.8.7-p330 and 1.9.2-p136, the first big bug fix update to 1.9.2.

  • Languages Come to Javascript VMs: CoffeeScript 1.0, StratifiedJS, C/C++ with Emscripten, Python

    Javascript's ubiquity and increasingly fast VMs have made it an interesting runtime for languages. InfoQ looks at languages and tools that compile to Javascript: CoffeeScript 1.0, StratifiedJS, the Emscripten LLVM backend which brings C/C++ to Javascript, and more.

  • Languages Come to Javascript VMs: CoffeeScript 1.0, StratifiedJS, C/C++ with Emscripten, Python

    Javascripts ubiquity and increasingly fast VMs have made it an interesting runtime for languages. InfoQ looks at languages and tools that compile to Javascript: CoffeeScript 1.0, StratifiedJS, the Emscripten LLVM backend which brings C/C++ to Javascript, and more.