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Rubinius 1.0 Brings MRI 1.8 Compatibility and Near Speed Parity
Rubinius has just released their first candidate for 1.0, bringing Ruby 1.8 compatibility and near speed parity. InfoQ talked to Evan Phoenix about what it took to get here and whether Rubinius will run Rails.
Ruby on Rails Is Compatible with Microsoft Azure
Microsoft has opened Windows Azure to many other non-MS technologies in an attempt to lure companies and developers to deploy their applications on the Azure cloud rather than on their competition’s. One such technology is Ruby on Rails.
JRuby's New IR Paves the Way for Future Performance Improvements
A new intermediate representation (IR) for JRuby code enables many optimizations and could bring the next performance boost. InfoQ talked to Subbu Sastry who works on the IR.
Evented I/O for Javascript with Google V8-based Node.js
Node.js allows scalable ѕtandalone Javascript server programs by bundling Google's V8 with libraries for event-based I/O. InfoQ takes a look at what makes Node.js tick.
MagLev Ruby VM Now Available, Brings GemStone's Persistence to Ruby
The long awaited MagLev Ruby implementation, based on GemStone Smalltalk, is now available in a public alpha release. While not quite ready to run Rails, it does support frameworks like Rack and Sinatra. MagLev comes with full support for GemStone's mature distribution and persistence features.
Ruby VM Roundup: MacRuby 0.5 Beta 2 Adds AOT Tooling, Rubinius 0.13 Released
Beta 2 of MacRuby 0.5 improves compatibility and adds new tools for Ahead of Time (AOT) compilation and building standalone applications. Rubinius 0.13 was released with improved performance using LLVM, a JIT and a new compiler.
Details of the Now Available Google Chrome OS
Google has open sourced Chrome OS a year before the planned launch which is to happen some time before winter holidays in 2010. Google is working with manufacturers on a new reference hardware to accommodate their speed and security requirements which are key features of their new operating system.
Clojars and Leiningen Automate Library and Dependency Management for Clojure
Managing libraries and dependencies is tedious. Clojars is a new hosted repository for Clojure libraries inspired by Ruby Gems and Gemcutter. Together with a new build tool, Leiningen, Clojars takes the pain out of library management. InfoQ talked to Alex Osborne about Clojars and how it works.
RubyMine 2.0 : A Clear Path to Dynamic Development
JetBrains has taken it on themselves to create one of the premier Ruby IDEs on the market. It has been just over 6 months since version 1.0 was released and today, RubyMine 2.0.
Ruby Tools: Yard 0.4 Adds Live Doc Server, Gem Bundler Handles Dependencies
Documentation generator Yard's 0.4 release adds new features such as a live documentation server which allows users to comment on the docs. The new tool Gem Bundler allows flexible dependency management.
Duby and Surinx, an Interview With Charles Nutter
Charles Nutter talks about his two new languages for the JVM: Duby and its dynamic cousin Surinx.
Interview With Aslak Hellesøy on Cucumber For .NET
InfoQ has interviewed Aslak Hellesøy, the creator of Cucumber on its recent support for .NET. Cucumber is an acceptance testing tool for Behaviour Driven Development (BDD). At Agile2009, InfoQ’s Mark Levison reported from the Functional Test Tools Workshop that Matt Wynne and Richard Lawrence started to work on a .NET solution for Cucumber, later to be named Cuke4Nuke.
RESTfulie - A Gem To Create Hypermedia Aware Services And Clients
Guilherme Silveira writes to InfoQ on the release of a ruby gem that makes developing hypermedia aware services and clients that consume them a breeze.
JRuby Roundup: JRuby 1.4 Final Released, New Windows Native Launcher, HPricot 0.8.2
The final release of JRuby 1.4 is now available, with many performance, Java integration and other improvements. It also adds a native launcher for Windows, which works around some problems with the BAT-based launcher. Also: the Hpricot 0.8.2 release fixes problems with Hpricot on JRuby.
Metrics for Ruby With Caliper
Caliper calculates various metrics – for example code duplication and complexity – for your Ruby code; all you need is a public Git repository.