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InfoQ Homepage Ruby Content on InfoQ

  • RubyMotion Announces Android Support

    RubyMotion is expanding from iOS to Android with their upcoming 3.0 release. InfoQ talked to Laurent Sansonetti to learn how they built a new Ruby runtime that is statically compiled and integrates with Android.

  • New Relic Open Sources their Docker Deployment Tool Centurion

    New Relic open sourced Centurion, a deployment tool for Docker used internally to run their production infrastructure. Centurion takes containers from a Docker registry and runs them on a fleet of hosts with the correct environment variables, host volume mappings, and port mappings, supporting rolling deployments out of the box.

  • Comparing the Performance of Various Web Frameworks

    TechEmpower has been running benchmarks for the last year, attempting to measure and compare the performance of web frameworks. For these benchmarks the term “framework” is used loosely including platforms and micro-frameworks.

  • Rails 4.1 Improves Boot Time and Responsive Layouts

    Rails 4.1 can now preload your application to improve startup time and comes with improvements for Action Pack, Active Record, and Action Mailer.

  • Ruby 2.1.0 Released, Delivering new GC

    Ruby 2.1 has been released, with the biggest addition being a completely new garbage collector that promises much better performance.

  • DevDocs, a One Stop Shop for Reference Documentation

    DevDocs combines multiple reference documentation sets, commonly used by software developers, in a single web site. DevDocs takes advantage of this centralization to offer crosscutting features such as a searchable interface, keyboard shortcuts, common layouts or a common table of contents. DevDocs currently includes documentation for HTML, HTTP, Javascript and Ruby, among others.

  • Phusion Passenger App Server Gains Node.js Support

    Phusion Passenger, a popular web app server originally for Ruby, now supports Node.js apps. The feature was introduced in the Enterprise edition of Passenger earlier this year, but has been open sourced as of the recent 4.0.21 release of the free version. Phusion Passenger brings Scaling, Statistics, Supervision and Multitenancy to Node.js. InfoQ talked to Phusion's CTO Hongli Lai.

  • CodeCube Offers Shareable, Runnable Code Samples

    CodeCube is a new service and open source project that aims to improve collaboration by allowing developers to both share and run code samples in a secure manner via the browser.

  • GOTO Berlin: Problems Using Your Own Public API

    Using your own public API can be a challenge, Phil Calcado, Director of Engineering at Soundcloud, declared when sharing his experiences managing and rebuilding a large Rails application in a talk at the GOTO Berlin Conference.

  • Rubinius 2.0 Release Implements Ruby 2.1

    After more than two years, the Rubinius team has released version 2.0 which brings improved multi-threading support and implements the upcoming Ruby 2.1.

  • Developing iOS Games on Ruby

    Brian Sam-Bodden, founder of Integrallis, gave a demonstration at the Barcelona Ruby Conference on how to leverage RubyMotion and open source 2D graphical libraries to quickly create 2D games for iOS in plain Ruby without any knowledge of Object-C.

  • JRuby 9K Expected in 2014 Ready for Production

    Charles Nutter, one of the lead developers of JRuby, announced the release of version 9000 (9K) in 2014. The new release targets the same feature set as Ruby MRI 2.0 and possibly 2.1 as well. Better performance, concurrency support and overall availability and portability provided by the use of the JVM can make this version suitable for production systems.

  • Cucumber Pro for the Enterprise

    Cucumber Pro, an online collaboration and reporting platform on top of the popular BDD tool Cucumber, has been unveiled by the core maintainers of Cucumber. The new tool will target enterprises that require official tool support.

  • Ruby On Rails State of Practice Results

    Over the past months, InfoQ published three research items on the current state of Ruby on Rails practice. Now the results are in and we're taking a look at what tools Rails developers currently use.

  • Ruby 2.1 Garbage Collection to Address Criticism on Large Scale Deployments

    Ruby’s creator announced the move to generational garbage collection in Ruby 2.1 in what is expected to be an important performance boost for the language. The announcement took place during Barcelona Ruby Conference where Ruby’s GC was singled out as a major pain point in large scale Ruby deployments.