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Article: RGen: Ruby Modeling and Code Generation Framework
This article introduces RGen, a modeling framework inspired by openArchitectureWare and technologies like the Eclipse's EMF. RGen uses internal DSLs for defining metamodels and offers a full modeling stack for Ruby.
Story Driven Development Recipes with Cucumber
Behavior Driven Development's (BDD) popularity cannot be denied. By simplifying DSL writing, Ruby allowed the birth of many BDD frameworks. Cucumber is one of them and can also be used to test Java, .NET and Flex and more.
Browser Wars Reignite with Opera announcing Caracan and Apple releasing Safari 4 Beta
With the Web becoming the default development platform, we are witnessing major innovations in browser technology. In the spirit of time, Opera has announced plans for “the fastest JavaScript engine on the market” code named Carakan and Apple has released Safari 4 in public beta with several new features and improvements.
Presentation: Ruby VMs: A Comparison
In this presentation from QCon San Francisco 2008, Jason Seifer takes a look at the different Ruby virtual machines (JRuby, MagLev, IronRuby, Rubinius, MacRuby) and how to choose what fits best within the enterprise.
JRuby on Java ME/CDC
After first steps to running JRuby on Android, JRuby's Charles Nutter now started work on making JRuby run on the CDC profile of Java ME.
QCon London 2 Weeks Away: Day Passes & InfoQ Discount Available
QCon London is just 2 weeks away, and we’d like to present all InfoQ members with an extension of our Feb 22nd discount, as well as announce that day passes are now available. QCon features over 80 sessions, 15 tracks and unprecedented speaker lineup including Sir Tony Hoare, Martin Fowler, Rod Johnson, and many others.
JRuby 1.2 RC1 Released, Initial support for Android
JRuby 1.2 RC1 is now available, complete with improved 1.9 support, performance improvements and bug fixes. Also: initial support for using JRuby on Android.
Moneta: An Interface to Key-Value Stores like Tokyo Cabinet, Memcache
Key-value stores are a viable alternative to relational databases. We take a look at Tokyo Cabinet and how different key-value stores can be unified behind a common interface with Moneta.
Ruby 1.8.8 and the Road to Ruby 1.9.1
Which Ruby to choose - 1.8.x or 1.9.1? What's the best migration path? We take a look at some recent ruby-core discussions and the plan for Ruby 1.8.8 which will help moving to 1.9.1. Also: Fibers are now also available in Ruby 1.8.6/1.8.7.
Article: Amazing Charts In Rails
This article is an introduction to creating Flash charts using the FusionCharts Free library from Ruby, complete with a feature comparison of other charting libraries.
New Relic updates RPM to Improve Collaboration and Integration
New Relic announced the availability of RPM 1.2 which goes a long way into making the job of the developer better with improved collaboration and integration.
Web-based IDEs to become mainstream?
Last week Mozilla released Bespin, a web-based framework for code editing and only a few days later Boris Bokowski and Simon Kaegi implemented an Eclipse-based Bespin server using headless Eclipse plug-ins. With the presentation of a web-based workbench at EclipseCon and the release of products like the Heroku web-based IDE for RoR apps, it seems that web-based IDEs might soon become mainstream.
Engine Yard to Take Over Ruby 1.8.6 Maintenance?
Ruby 1.8.6 is still in heavy use, although its replacement 1.8.7 has been around for over half a year now. Now Engine Yard plans, in accordance with the 1.8.6 maintainer, to take over the maintenance of Ruby 1.8.6 and sponsor some long needed performance fixes.
Koushik Dutta is Bringing C#, Ruby, and Python to Google’s Android
Koushik Dutta has reached a major milestone in his effort to support C#, Ruby, and Python on Google’s mobile phone platform. In a recent announcement he has demonstrated by-directional interoperability between Dalvik and Mono.
Interview: Luke Francl Explains Why Testing Is Overrated
In this interview filmed during RubyFringe 2008, Luke Francl explains his position towards testing. While supporting unit testing, he thinks testing is not going to reveal all application defects. Development teams should practice code reviews and usability tests which are likely to discover bugs not visible though other methods.