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Article: InfoQ Editors' Recommended Reading List
Members of the InfoQ editorial team discuss a number of books which have influenced how we think about software development, architecture and managing projects.
The State of Ruby 1.9 Support in IDEs
The first stable release of the Ruby 1.9 series has been released, but what's the status of 1.9 support in IDEs? We asked the developers of NetBeans, RadRails, Ruby in Steel, and RubyMine.
JRuby and Clojure - A Good Match?
Clojure is a JVM based LISP with interesting properties for concurrency (persistent data structures, STM). New libraries for Clojure are popping up - and some of them are inspired by Ruby libraries such as HAML, ActiveRecord, Rack, and others. We also look at combining JRuby and Clojure to get the best of both Ruby and LISP world, as well as access to technologies such as STM.
Article: JavaScript Test Driven Development with JsUnit and JSMock
This article by Dennis Byrne is a crash course in writing maintainable JavaScript. Dennis uses stubs, mock objects and a little bit of dependency injection. He also uses JsUnit to run unit tests and a JavaScript mock object library called JsMock.
Ruby 1.9.1 Library Compatibility Roundup
Ruby 1.9.1 is out - the first stable release in the 1.9.x series. Ruby 1.9.1's performance improvements are a compelling reason to upgrade - but for now, library compatibility varies greatly. We take a look at what's confirmed to work, and ways to keep track of the progress.
Presentation: Jazzers and Programmers
In this presentation from RubyFringe, Nick Sieger explains the history and nature of Jazz music and what it has in common with Programming.
Rubinius Progress - Interview with Brian Ford
The Ruby implementation Rubinius has attracted a lot of interest. After the project completed a major rewrite of its VM, we caught up with Brian Ford, Rubinius team member, to talk about the state of the project.
Presentation: CouchDB and Me
In this talk from RubyFringe, Damien Katz explains what drove him to create CouchDB, why he chose Erlang, how it ended up as an Apache project and much more.
Interview: Dan Grigsby Shares Secrets of Successful Entrepreneurship
In this interview made by InfoQ’s Rob Bazinet during RubyFringe 2008, Dan Grigsby talks about programming and entrepreneurship, how a programmer can take his idea and transform it into a successful product.
Clojure Brings STM, LISP to the JVM
Clojure, a LISP-style language for the JVM, is gaining interest quickly. One of the reasons is definitely its approach to concurrency which builds on Software Transactional Memory (STM). We talked to Stuart Halloway who's writing the first book on Clojure for the Pragmatic Programmers.
"Good Design" Means ...?
It's not news that at the heart of successful software systems (and, frankly, fulfilling software careers) is good design. Also not news is that defining what "good design" really means has been at the heart of many debates, papers, talks, books, discussions, and more for ages. To help, J.B. Rainsberger and Scott Bellware offer some advice to follow until that one true definition comes along.
Book: The Well Grounded Rubyist
"The Well Grounded Rubyist" is a new and rewritten version of the popular Ruby for Rails. Today InfoQ publishes a review and excerpts Chapter 15.
Presentation: Conceptual Algorithms
In this talk from RubyFringe, Tom Preston-Werner talks about how he uses the scientific method for tracking down software problems. He demonstrates how he used this approach to track down a particularly sneaky memory leak in a Ruby app, and more.
JRuby GUI MVC Framework Monkeybars Goes 1.0
There are many JRuby libraries on top of Java GUI toolkits. Monkeybars is a JRuby MVC framework for building GUI applications, and it's now available in version 1.0. We talked to James Britt about Monkeybars.
Chef Configuration and Provisioning Tool Announced
Chef, a new Ruby-based configuration and provisioning tool, has been announced. Chef offers integration with multiple tools and platforms across extended networks, using "cookbooks" to define how to install and update applications across large networks like large web server farms, or cloud-computing platforms.