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Ruboss – A Flex Framework on Rails
Ruby on Rails (ROR) is a Ruby-based open-source framework for rapid Web application development. Both Rails and RIA communities are actively seeking convergence to offer integrated solutions. The Flex framework, Ruboss, is an example. InfoQ spoke with Peter Armstrong, the co-founder and CEO of Ruboss, to learn more.
IronRuby moves to Github
Microsoft recently announced they had moved their IronRuby project to GitHub. The announcement, like many projects these days, shows the project moving from its current Subversion repository to a Git repository located on Github.
Why has the Web become the Default Development Platform?
Joe Walker, creator of Direct Web Remoting (DWR) , has been summing up the reasons that as he thinks have lead the Web to become the default development platform over the last years. Easy of deployment, simple UI programming, simplicity of HTML and Openness made the Web become the most scalable system today.
Clustered JRuby - Transparent Clustering of JRuby with Terracotta
Gemstone's Maglev Demo at RailsConf sparked a lot of interest. A new project experiments with bringing this kind of transparent clustering to JRuby using Terracotta. We talked to Fabio Kung who's been experimenting with this approach.
Nanite: A Self Assembling Cluster of Ruby Processes
Nanite is Engine Yard's latest addition to their cloud computing strategy: a "self assembling cluster of ruby processes" to form the backend of highly scalable web applications. We talked to its developer Ezra Zygmuntowicz and also got some news about Vertebra.
Martin Fowler Sees a Thaw in Frozen Thinking about Data Storage
In a recent blog post, Martin Fowler, a renowned software thought leader, observed at last week's QCon that the deep freeze in thinking about databases in application architectures is thawing. The world has been stuck using RDBMS databases for every application use case, but the time has come to also consider RISC RDBMS or distributed document-oriented databases.
Mobile Ruby Roundup: Symbian Ruby 1.9, Android, JME, iPhone and Mono
A port of Ruby 1.9 is now available on Symbian. We take a look at other options for running Ruby on mobile devices, from JRuby on Android or JME to IronRuby on the iPhone with the aid of Mono.
Rails 2.2 Released: A Glance at New Features
After two release candidates, Rails 2.2 has been released. We take a look at some of the major new features and improvements.
Smooth HTTP Caching With Rack::Cache
The ways to cache a web application are numerous and often complex. Apart from the very basic page caching, Rails 2.2 introduced conditional GET through the use of HTTP headers: last_modified and etag. Following most of the internet standard caching section of RFC2616, Ryan Tomayko released Rack::Cache.
What Is Wrong With Ruby's Net::HTTP?
Ruby's implementation of Net::HTTP has serious performance problems in the current version 1.8.6, caused by some implementation details. Luckily, both Ruby 1.8.7 and 1.9's implementation performs much better.
Sequel, The Database Toolkit For Ruby
Sequel, apart from being an alternative to ActiveRecord, offers a complete Ruby toolkit to handle database operations. InfoQ had the chance to catch up with Jeremy Evans who replaced Sharon Rosner as project leader eight months ago.
SpringSource Embraces Groovy and Grails with Acquisition of G2One
SpringSource announced today the acquisition of G2One, the company behind Grails and Groovy. InfoQ sat down with SpringSource CEO Rod Johnson and G2One CTO Graeme Rocher to discuss the benefits of combining forces.
Merb Roundup: Merb 1.0, EngineYard Will Offer Merb Support
Merb 1.0 has been released. Some last minute changes included improved JRuby and Windows support (action arguments support under JRuby). Also: EngineYard announced support for Merb.
Static Analysis Tools Roundup: Roodi, Rufus, Reek, Flay
Ruby_parser, ParseTree, and it's cleaned up output UnifiedRuby, provide access to Ruby source code ASTs. We take a look at four static analysis tools built in plain Ruby: Flay, Roodi, Rufus, Reek.
The Ioke JVM Language: The power of Lisp and Ruby with an intuitive syntax
Ola Bini, a core JRuby developer and author of the book Practical JRuby on Rails Projects, has been developing a new language for the JVM called Ioke. This strongly typed, extremely dynamic, prototype based object oriented language aims to give developers the same kind of power they get with Lisp and Ruby, combined with a nice, small, regular syntax.