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Interview: Guillaume Laforge on Groovy and DSLs
Groovy project manager Guillaume Laforge discusses the history of Groovy, it's relationship to Java, where Groovy fits into Java development, how Groovy compares to Ruby, how Groovy enables domain-specific languages, and what future Groovy development will focus on.
Oniguruma Java port speeds up JRuby
Joni, the Java port of the Oniguruma Regex engine, has been merged into the JRuby trunk. This promises to be the final step in implementing compatible and fast Regexes for JRuby... and initial tests with REXML seem to back that up.
Lessons from building Oracle Mix on JRuby on Rails
Rich Manalang posts a detailed report about the development of Oracle Mix, starting out on MRI, then moving to JRuby. Along the way, a few valuable lessons about JRuby (on Rails) development and performance pitfalls were learned.
Aptana Studio 1.0 release, updated RadRails, new commercial edition
The Eclipse-based Aptana Studio, which includes RDT and the popular RadRails, has released version 1.0. This now also includes a commercial "Professional" version which includes a few select features over the free "Community" version.
The Future of MonoRail in the Wake of MS MVC
Hamilton Verissimo, the founder of the Castle Project, has discussed means of integrating Castle/MonoRail into MS MVC as well as real-world requirements with the MS MVC team.
Interview: Zed Shaw on Mongrel and Ruby in the Enterprise
Zed Shaw - creator of Mongrel and the Profligacy GUI library - sat down with InfoQ for a video interview. Among the topics discussed are Mongrel, how to make money with Ruby in the enterprise and his interest in alternative languages such as Lua, Smalltalk and Factor.
Oracle Mix: First large JRuby on Rails app online
JRuby on Rails powers its first public webapp: Oracle Mix, a social networking app, was announced at OracleWorld. Built in a few weeks by a team of Oracle and ThoughtWorks, it shows that its possible to build a large application using JRuby on Rails and the Oracle software stack.
Does the rise of Service Oriented UI (SOUI) means the death of server-assisted MVC?
Nolan Wright thinks server-assisted MVC implementations are a thing of the past and that Services, Ajax and DHTML can greatly simplify the way we build web applications.
The Forgotten Ruby Web Frameworks
With the success of Ruby on Rails, is there a place left for other Web frameworks written in Ruby? Everyone knows Rails, some might even have heard of Merb and Camping, but has anyone heard of Nitro, Ramaze, Sinatra, IOWA or Cerise? InfoQ quickly tours these frameworks and how they are appreciated (or ignored) by the blogosphere.
ThoughtWorks Releases Mingle 1.1
Mingle R1.1 is out, just 3 months after after the first release, packed with new functionality driven by user feedback from the launch and beta period. In December R1.2 will be released.
Presentation: Prototype and spending weekends at home again creator Thomas Fuchs gives an overview about the concepts and functionality of both Prototype and the libraries, provides advice on what and what not to expect and gives pointers and hints on how to get started.
Respect Demeter's Law through Rails Plugin
The Law of Demeter or Principle of Least Knowledge is a design guideline for developing software. It's not rare to see common Rails practices violating it. Luke Redpath brings a way to remedy this by providing Demeter's revenge plugin.
Netbeans Ruby Support: A Detailed Walkthrough by Roman Strobl
Sun has put a large investment into Ruby in the last year with JRuby and the addition of Ruby language support to their Netbeans IDE. InfoQ will be featuring a series of articles by Netbeans Evangelist Roman Strobl exploring the new Ruby features of Netbeans. The first article takes a look at code completion, debugging, and refactoring support.
Ruby and the hype cycle
A recent blog post on a failed Rails project caused a big debate about the viability of Ruby on Rails. A closer look at the post paints a different picture, though. We take a look at the reactions in the Ruby community, and compare this discussion with the upheaval about Twitter earlier this year.
CodeGear Releases Ruby/Rails IDE with Intelligent Completion of Dynamic Methods
Today CodeGear released their Ruby/Rails IDE 3rdRail. Among the IDE's key features are intelligent code completion, refactoring support, and a project aware command line interface.