InfoQ Homepage Scalability Content on InfoQ
Beyond Microservices: Streams, State and Scalability
Gwen Shapira talks about how microservices evolved in the last few years, based on experience gained while working with companies using Apache Kafka to update their application architecture.
Concurrency, Scalability and Transactions -- Myths and Surprises
Renan Ranelli explores the interaction between massive concurrent servers, databases and transaction isolation.
Scaling Patterns for Netflix's Edge
Justin Ryan talks about Netflix’ scalability issues and some of the ways they addressed it.
Using Metrics to Ensure Quality Applications in Pivotal Platform
Tom Martin and Sam Reed show how to set up automatic service discovery with Eureka, some auto scaling problems of microservices, and how to configure Prometheus and Grafana to gather and show metrics.
Building Reactive Pipelines: How to Go from Scalable Apps to (Ridiculously) Scalable Systems
Mark Heckler discusses and demoes reactive and highly scalable microservices built with Project Reactor using RabbitMQ, Apache Kafka, and Spring Cloud Stream.
Building and Running Applications at Scale in Zalando
Pamela Canchanya shares practices and lessons learned when building and running critical business applications at scale.
Building Resilient Serverless Systems
John Chapin explains how to use serverless technologies and an infrastructure-as-code approach to architect, build, and operate large-scale systems that are resilient to vendor failures.
Variety: The Secret of Scale
Cat Swetel provides an approach for incurring variety where it makes sense within the coherence of a longer-term vision.
Scaling Infrastructure Engineering at Slack
Julia Grace talks about Slack’s first infrastructure engineering organization, the architectural and organizational challenges, mistakes and war stories since August 2016 to today.
How to Scale Lead Time
Ilona Kędracka and Chris Matts share their experience of what is needed to scale lead time to an organization of five thousand people.
Scaling Erlang Cluster to 10,000 Nodes
Maxim Fedorov demonstrates an example of a live Erlang cluster being scaled from just a few nodes to 10,000 machines with no service interruption.
What Is Our Product?
Ellen Gottesdiener and Andrew Repton discuss the importance of a shared agreement on what the product is, sharing techniques on scaling Lean/Agile product development in a large organization.