InfoQ Homepage Scrum Content on InfoQ
Why Isn't Lean/Agile/Scrum/DevOps The Way We All Work and What Comes Next?
Adam Yuret discusses what real-world pressures are, preventing organizations from achieving what Lean and Agile approaches promise.
Forming Self-Selected Teams - How to Create Happy, Empowered, and Effective Teams
Amber King and Jesse Huth share from their experience at Opower where 40 engineers were allowed to self-select six teams that would work on new projects.
Modernizing Government - How Agencies Became Awesome Places to Work Using Holacracy & Scrum
Paul Takken, Michael DeAngelo share their learning using Holacracy, Lean and Scrum attempting to modernize organizations.
The Age of the Self-Managed Organization
Doug Kirkpatrick discusses self-management: creating an organization without bosses and titles, being agile and innovative, and creating strategic business advantages.
Scrum vs ScrumAnd vs ScrumBut: Which One Are You Doing?
Pedro Gustavo Torres compares various variations of the Scrum practice, and explains the Shu Ha Ri learning model and how to map it to ScrumBut and ScrumAnd.
The Journey from Business Person to Product Owner
Pete Cohen and Chris Bignoux discuss how a new product owner should tackle Agile projects, exploring techniques for informing stakeholders and facilitating decision-making.
Using a Design Sprint to Accelerate Innovation
Rob Scherer and Rob Alford discuss the Design Sprint process used by Google Ventures, some of the changes made to it and lessons learned along the way.
Creating Great Teams – How Self-Selection Lets People Excel
Sandy Mamoli and David Mole share experiences from running self-selection team processes in large organizations and how to establish efficient teams in growing organizations.
Extreme Self-Management: an Alternative Path of Organizational Design
Pawel Brodzinski tells the story of Lunar Logic's journey to distributed autonomy, authority and leadership across the organization, and what it takes to become an extreme self-managed organization.
Your Agile Project at Eclipse with Tuleap
Manuel Vacelet and Pascal Rapicault introduce Tuleap - Scrum, Kanban, and generic bug tracking –, explaining how to integrate it with the Eclipse toolset and Bugzilla.
Quality Within - The Scrum Way
Owais Zahid talks about establishing quality requirements for products, including quality aspects in the definition of Done, and communicating goals with the development team.
Great User Experience Through Dual-Track Scrum
Aurimas Adomavicius discusses metrics of great User Experience for the enterprise, the dual-track Scrum model, common pitfalls, lessons learned, and quantifying the success of a project.