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InfoQ Homepage Selenium Content on InfoQ

  • Functional Test Tools Workshop

    A group of people interested in improving the state of the art in Automated Functional Test Tools gathered for an annual workshop the Sunday before Agile 2009. Among the topics covered: Lightening Talk demos of various tools, Porting Cucumber to .NET, Documenting existing functional test tool capabilities in a spreadsheet and the limits of Capture/Playback tools.

  • Debugging Tips for Selenium Test Failures

    While Selenium has gained wide acceptance as a useful tool for automating browser-level tests, tracking down the cause of test failures can take significant time. Daniel Wellman has shared two of his best tricks to greatly reduce debugging time for failed Selenium tests.

  • WebTest vs. Selenium: Real and Simulated Browser Testing

    Choosing between functional testing tools that drive a real web browser, like Selenium, and those that simulate a browser, like Canoo WebTest? Marc Guillemot compared the two, and in his opinion, WebTest wins, with a score of 13-5.

  • Selenium Grid: Web Testing in Parallel

    Pervasive user-interface/acceptance testing can be a drag on test and therefore build speed. Selenium Grid offers the ability to run Selenium tests in parallel on one machine or on a farm of machines in a reliable, easy-to-use way. InfoQ speaks with the Selenium Grid team.

  • Is Selenium worth the pain?

    Is Selenium worth the pain? Atlassian developer Nick Menere has asked that very question on the Atlassian Developer Blog. In his blog post Menere looks at the roadblocks found while trying to use Selenium to test two new Ajax features of JIRA 3.10.

  • Book Excerpt: How to Improve your Continuous Testing

    Continuous Integration has become a standard development best practice - but it's not always done well. Tests take up much of an application's build time, and poorly constructed test suites can cause long builds, whereupon teams start to circumvent agreed-upon CI practices just get the time to code. InfoQ presents advice and examples in Chapter 6: Continuous Testing from a new CI book.

  • Tutorial: TDD with Selenium and Castle

    Dan Bunea shows how TDD can be applied in .NET using Selenium RC and Castle. Test first principals provide architects a way to quickly jump into active development early in the application development lifecycle. The benefits of TDD are a drastic reduction in defects as well as increased flexibility in the code base since the application evolves quickly through an iterative process.

  • Catching up with Selenium: Testing Ajax, v0.8 Released

    Selenium is a web app functional testing tool that uses JavaScript and Iframes to embed a test automation engine in your browser, allowing Selenium to execute in any JavaScript-enabled browser. InfoQ spoke to core developer Jeff Xiong to find out more about the recent 0.8 release of Selenium core. Also, InfoQ is hosting a new article showing how to use Selenium to test Ajax apps.

  • STIQ Simplifies Story Tests for Web Apps

    SolutionsIQ launched their latest product this week at Agile2006. A mashup of the popular open-source acceptance test tools FitNesse and Selenium, STIQ is used for writing acceptance tests while developing web applications. It features a simple command language, wiki-based editing and pluggable features.