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Resistance is Futile: You Will be Glass-imilated
Gabbie Gibson introduces Google Glass, how to use voice commands, touch gestures and its interface, and how to write Glassware apps that run on the device.
Sweet Elixir! A Gentle Introduction to Erlang’s Cute Younger Brother Elixir
Ryan Cromwell introduces Elixir, a , functional distributed meta programming language inspired by Ruby and compiling to Erlang VM, covering pattern matching, pipelines and tail-call recursion.
The Secrets of LINQ: The Modern Day Houdini
Brian Korzynski unveils the secrets on LINQ, how it works and the constructs it uses, covering Funcs, Actions, lambdas, and expressions.
Estimation for the Real World
Chris Trevarthen discusses how to reduce the amount of time spent estimating, providing more meaningful estimates, and building trust with the business.
TDD: Why We Don't Party Like It's 1999
Jason Felice introduces TDD, how it came about, the two schools of TDD thought, the differences and contradictions between them.
Getting Sassy with CSS
Julie Cameron introduces Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets, a CSS meta-language and precompiler, covering nesting, variables, mixins, inheritance, directives, gotchas, tools, extensions, and tips.
Hello Ansible: A Story about Infrastructure Agility
Baraa Basata introduces Ansible, comparing it with Chef and Capistrano and exploring automation principles: disposable servers, package management, and applying design principles to infrastructure.
Understanding Objective-C Inside and Out
Jeff Kelley discusses Objective-C basics – properties, categories – and more advanced features – linking, ARC, creating classes at runtime, memory management and tagged pointers.
Introduction to TypeScript
Bill Wagner introduces TypeScript presenting its basic features such as its syntax and using JavaScript libraries.
Careful with Those People Skills: You'll Poke Somebody's Eye Out!
Angela Harms keynotes on the importance of improving relationship and communication through empathetic listening, authentic connection and compassion rather than applying practices blindly.