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Anti-Patterns of Agile Leaders
Regina Martins talked about anti-patterns of agile leaders at the Agile Practitioners 2016 conference. InfoQ interviewed her about what makes leadership important for agile, the key attributes that can make somebody a great leader, examples of leadership behaviour that hinder agile teams and how to deal with them, and asked her to share stories of great leadership.
Microservices and Teams at Amazon
The microservices pattern are changing how we build applications and team structure is extremely important to be successful in building and running these microservices, Chris Munns stated in a talk about how microservices at enterprise scale are built at Amazon at the earlier I Love APIs 2015 conference.
Q&A with David Marquet on Applying Intent-based Leadership in Agile
Software engineers can really do a tremendous service to themselves, their co-workers, and the world by stepping up and being a leader from the position they are in. Agile is essentially building a leader-leader model in software organizations says David Marquet. An interview about having leadership at all levels in the organization and applying the leader-leader model in agile.
Turn the Ship Around - Towards Leadership at Every Level
At the Agile Tour London 2015 Wim Heemskerk and Dirk Mulder hosted a session about creating leadership at every level, based on the book Turn the Ship Around by David Marquet. InfoQ interviewed them about how hierarchy can hinder transitioning to agile, why organizations should develop leaders in stead of followers, and on applying leadership lessons from the book to increase the agility.
Role of Autonomy in Agility
Autonomy is one of the core guiding principles at Spotify. It enables employees to make decisions as close to the works that is being done as possible. At the Agile Greece Summit 2015 Kristian Lindwall and Cliff Hazell from Spotify explained why autonomy is at the heart of agility.
The Role of an Agile Manager
An agile transformation needs a convincing involvement and statement by top management to show that the game really has changed says Jürgen Dittmar. InfoQ asked him about how management can be an obstacle in agile transformations, changing the mindset and approach for managing organizations, how managers and leaders can enable agility in organizations, and examples from applying Management 3.0.
Playing Games with the Agile Essentials
The agile essentials from Ivar Jacobson International is a starter kit of agile practices, provided as a deck of cards. Teams can play games with these cards to learn agile practices and inspect and adapt their way of working.
Connected Companies Put Customers at the Center of Everything
Dave Gray talked about how a connected company focuses on customer efficiency instead of company efficiency at the No Pants Festival 2015. A connected company has multidisciplinary teams where people work together to deliver a product or service. People working at a connected company feel empowered, they are able to solve problems together and to better serve the needs of their customers.
Using Sociocracy for Decision Making and Learning in Agile
Organization that are adopting agile often look for ways to establish self-organized teams where team members are able to take more responsibility. Agile software development teams could improve their decision making by using the consent principle and sociocratic procedures. Sociocratic governance structures can also be used to scale up agile principles to every level of the organization.
Establishing Self-Organized Agile Teams
Agile suggest teams to self-organize their work. The questions arise what self-organization is and what organization can do to make it possible for teams to become self-organizing.
Understanding People to Improve Collaboration in Teams
Teams consist of individuals working together. Individuals have their own specific beliefs and perceptions. If you know where a person’s perceptions are coming from, you can better understand why they see things different than you do and behave in a certain way. Being able to understand people helps to find better ways to collaborate and communicate in teams.
Prototyping an Organization to Improve the Way of Working
Can you use evidence-based practices to test, validate & improve the way of working in an organization. Jo Martens from Nascom talked about prototyping your organization at the Dare Festival Antwerp 2014. He presented how they use experiments with evidence to do organizational change.
Adopting Innovative Ways to Manage Organizations
Organizations are discovering new innovative ways to manage work and unleash the potential of the people who are working there. The Dare Festival Antwerp 2014 focuses on organization design and culture for networked organizations, providing ideas and actionable practices. Frederic Laloux explored 12 organizations who are using fundamentally new ways to manage work and their employees.
Deploying Transparency and Self Regulating Management to Get Actions Done
At the Lean Kanban France 2014 conference Bjarte Bogsnes gave a keynote presentation about beyond budgeting. In his presentation he talked about the problems with traditional management and how transparency and self regulating management comes to the rescue, and the principles and practices of beyond budgeting.
Designing an Environment for Leadership at All Levels
Esther Derby talked about leaders at all levels at the Lean Kanban Central Europe 2014 Conference. She showed how you can create a more flexible organization with improved communication and decision taking by working on the conditions for leadership at all levels in the organization.