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GitLab 11.11 Brings Multiple Assignees for Merge Requests, Windows Container Executor, and More
GitLab 11.11, recently released, brings Multiple Assignees for Merge Requests, Windows Container Executor for GitLab Runners, Guest Access to Releases, instance-level Kubernetes cluster, and more.
Writing Web Applications in Java - a Study of Alternatives
Developers familiar with the Java Virtual Machine languages and who want to develop web applications without the difficulties of a JavaScript development stack, have an increasing array of alternatives to JavaScript to choose from. The performance penalty vs. native JavaScript web applications is shrinking.
Mozilla Revamps WebThings, its Open Source IoT Platform
Mozilla recently released its open source IoT platform, formerly called Project Things, as WebThings. Mozilla WebThings brings a series of logging, alarm, and networking features.
Porting JQ, Command-Line JSON Processor, to the Browser with WebAssembly - Q&A with Robert Aboukhali
jq, the command-line JSON processor, originally written in C, has recently been ported to WebAssembly, and is now available in a browser JavaScript environment. InfoQ talked with Robert Aboukhalil, bioinformatics software engineer at Invitae, about the challenges of porting existing software to WebAssembly and the ensuing benefits for developers.
Microsoft Announces React Native for Windows, with Focus on Performance
Microsoft recently announced at Microsoft Build 2019 a MIT-licensed, performance-oriented re-implementation of React Native for Windows. The new React Native for Windows will enable React Native developers to build native Windows apps with React. With the Windows 10 SDK support, developers may target a large variety of Windows devices such as PCs, tablets, laplets, Xbox, or Mixed Reality devices.
QCon NY (Jun 24-28): New Talks, a Focus on the Skills That Matter & Why You Should Join Us This Year
In the recent Stack Overflow 9th annual survey of over 90,000 software developers, we learned that non-development work remains a productivity challenge for software managers and leaders. At QCon New York, the conference for senior software developers, we have many sessions to help you learn how others have overcome those challenges.
Summary of the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2019
Javascript, MySQL and Linux have retained their places as most popular technologies, according to the 2019 Stack Overflow developer survey. Public cloud providers- AWS, Azure and Google Cloud Platform - make the list for most popular platforms again. The survey of almost 90,000 developers also collated demographic information, with huge imbalance of genders and ethnicities in the industry.
Benchmark Ranks 18 Front-End Frameworks Implementation of Clone
The RealWorld-based benchmark comparing the implementation by 18 front-end frameworks of a non-trivial full-stack application code-named Conduit recently updated its results. Most (13 out of 18) frameworks obtain a top-tier LightHouse performance score. Svelte, Stencil, AppRun, Dojo, HyperApp and Elm exhibit the lowest payload transferred over the network (< 30 KB).
Ink: React for Interactive Command-Line Apps
Ink.js, self-described as "React for Command Line Interfaces", recently released its second major iteration. Ink enables to build command-line apps by assembling React components. Developers may then leverage their React knowledge, and the React ecosystem.
React 16.8 Releases React Hooks: Reusable and Composable Logic in React Components
The React team recently released React 16.8 featuring React Hooks. Hooks encapsulate impure logic (such as state, or effects) with a functional syntax that allow hooks to be reused, composed, and tested independently. Developers may additionally define their own Hooks by composition with the predefined Hooks shipped with React 16.8.
Quarkus Java Framework: Q&A with John Clingan and Mark Little
After initial coverage on Quarkus, a Kubernetes native Java framework tailored for GraalVM and OpenJDK HotSpot was recently released by Red Hat. Now it is time for a Q&A with John Clingan and Mark Little.
Fastly Open-Sources Lucet, Its WebAssembly Compiler and Runtime
The Fastly edge cloud platform recently open-sourced Lucet, its native WebAssembly compiler and runtime. Lucet enables edge developers to build custom solutions for the edge at scale without limitations imposed by vendors, programming languages, or application programming interfaces (API).
Mozilla Announces WASI Initiative to Run Web Assembly on All Devices, Computers, Operating Systems
Mozilla recently announced a new standardization effort aiming at running the same WebAssembly code across all devices, machines and operating systems. The new standard, WebAssembly System Interface (WASI), defines a single conceptual operating system interface, which can be implemented by multiple, actual operating systems. Mozilla and Fastly are already shipping prototypal WASI implementations.
Babel 7.3: Smart Pipelines, Private Instance Accessors and More
The recently released Babel 7.3 can now parse and compile private instance accessors and the 'smart' pipeline operator. Babel 7.3 additionally supports named capturing groups in regular expressions, and much more.
QCon New York 2019 (June 24-28) Tracks Announced & Registrations off to a Fast Start
The 8th annual QCon New York returns to the Marriott Marquis June 24-26, 2019. QCon, organized by the people behind, is dedicated to providing a platform for innovators and early adopters to tell their story in hotbeds of software development like Beijing, London, San Francisco, Sao Paulo, Shanghai, and New York.