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Consensual Software: How to Prioritize User Safety
This article covers how consensual software will help address online harassment and abuse vectors before they get out of hand. It also covers some features the GitHub Community & Safety team has built and how we review features from other teams.
How Difficult Can It Be to Integrate Software Development Tools? The Hard Truth
Integrating tools used in software development and delivery is very hard. Getting endpoints to inter-operate is not a purely technical challenge, it’s more of a business problem. While there are a few choices in selecting the technical integration infrastructure (integration via APIs or at the database layer), the real challenges have more to do with friction caused by the dissimilarities.
Automating the Database: A Win-Win for DBAs and DevOps
The key to effective database administration in DevOps initiatives is safe automation and enforced source control for the database, which prevents many errors from reaching the deployment stage.
An Open API Initiative Update
The Open API Initiative group is evolving what has become the de-facto standard API Description Format to produce a consistent and compatible format for describing APIs, allowing interoperation between tooling, systems, and runtime environments. Tony Tam, creator of the popular Swagger Specification is providing an update on the group activity.
Continuous Delivery Coding Patterns: Latent-to-Live Code & Forward Compatible Interim Versions
This article describes two novel practices for continuous delivery: Latent-to-live code pattern and Forward compatible interim versions. You can use these practices to simultaneously increase speed and reliability of software development and reduce risks. These practices are built on top of two other essential continuous delivery practices: trunk-based-development and feature toggles.
How to Deal with COTS Products in a DevOps World
Mirco Hering explains why we shouldn't leave COTS products (and the people working on them) left behind in a DevOps world. With creative solutions we can apply good practices from custom software. This leads to a significant effort reduction in the long term.
Writing Maintainable Configuration Code
The article discusses a catalog of configuration smells containing 13 implementation configuration smells and 11 design configuration smells. It provides a few examples of configuration smells along with corresponding refactorings, explains their impact on the quality of the project, and lists a few tools that could be used to reveal such smells.
Configure Once, Run Everywhere: Decoupling Configuration and Runtime
Configuration is one of the most widely used cross-cutting concerns in application development. Apache Tamaya is a new incubator project that brings standardized property management to Java.
Q&A with Matthias Marschall on Chef Infrastructure Automation Cookbook Update
InfoQ asked Matthias Marshall what's new in the 2nd edition of his book and his view on the evolution of the configuration management tool space.
Version Control, Git, and your Enterprise
This article is about understanding Git – both its benefits and limits – and deciding if it’s right for your enterprise. It is intended to highlight some of the key advantages and disadvantages typically experienced by enterprises and presents the key questions to be contemplated by your enterprise in determining whether Git is right for you and what you need to consider in moving to Git.
The Lean Machine: Bringing Agile Thinking to the Database
For some years now, Agile practices have been attracting application developers with their promise of short iterations, fast releases, and software that gets out there sooner. Those same practices are now entering the database space, but how can database development teams adapt, and where should they start?
Interview with Mike McQuaid about Git in Practice
Mike McQuaid, Software Engineer at GitHub, has written "Git in Practice" which provides over 60 techniques for working with and managing Git projects. InfoQ caught up with Mike, and asked about it, including his advice for teams considering migrating to Git and what tools to use.