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The Costs of Versioning an API
Versioning of services is something which has been a cornerstone problem of SOA. There are many examples over the years of experiences gained and shared, but little in the way of concretely comparing and contrasting different approaches. Jean-Jacques Dubray has written about the experiences of his team in this area and some equations they have developed to try to illustrate the differences.
A Few Highlights from QConSF2013- Part 1 of 2
On each day of the 3-day conference at the inviting environs offered at the Hyatt there was a jam-packed schedule of speakers, exhibits and activities that made for some difficult decisions as to which tracks and what happening to attend.
Use the Force, Luca - Jenkins Developer Wipes out a Month of Commits on GitHub
Yesterday, a developer on the Jenkins project accidentally triggered a force push on the GitHub repositories that store the Git repositories for the Jenkins codebase, wiping out several months of commits. InfoQ looks at what happened and what needs to prevent this re-occuring in the future.
Octokit.NET Enables GitHub Integration Into .NET Framework 4.5 Applications
GitHub has released Octokit.NET which enables integration of GitHub API into .NET Framework 4.5 applications. It also includes integration tests that access the API by using FullBuild MSBuild target and Octokit.Tests.Integration assembly.
Visual Studio Quick Hits: Editor Enhancements + Git
Visual Studio 2012 & 2013 both receive new enhancements. Visual Studio Tools for Git hits the 1.0 milestone and is now available for VS2012. And a couple of IDE enhancements help VS2013 RTM evolve.
A Look Back at the Linux Kernel Backdoor
With all of the recent concern over the US government’s National Security Agency (NSA) some of the attention has turn to the possibility of backdoors. Back in 2003 someone attempted to insert a backdoor into the Linux kernel. Though caught, it illustrates how seemingly innocuous changes can introduce vulnerabilities and the importance of tractability in source control.
Icenium Mist Adds ZIP Upload, Remote GIT, Moving Code Blocks and Keyboard Shortcuts
Icenium Mist enables you to extract the contents of a ZIP file including the ability to access GIT remotely. It also provides support for moving code blocks within the code editor and also adds keyboar shortcuts for commonly used tasks.
GitHub Enterprise Adds New User Interface, Two Factor Authentication and Identicons
GutHub has updated its enterprise release with a new user interface, support for LDAP and two-factor authentication and identicons in addition to several feature improvements.
Ruby 2.1 Garbage Collection to Address Criticism on Large Scale Deployments
Ruby’s creator announced the move to generational garbage collection in Ruby 2.1 in what is expected to be an important performance boost for the language. The announcement took place during Barcelona Ruby Conference where Ruby’s GC was singled out as a major pain point in large scale Ruby deployments.
Jelastic 1.9.2 Adds GIT, SVS, PHP 5.5, MongoDB Backup Schedule Support
The recently released Jelastic 1.9.2 includes support for GIT, SVS, PHP 5.5 in addition to an ability to access database servers using FTP and FTPs. It also include automatic MongoDB backup scheduling including the ability to deploy PHP projects from GIT repository.
OSGi Alliance Opens Up Review Process
The OSGi Alliance has published their draft specifications onto GitHub, allowing non-OSGi members to see the process that goes behind a specification for the first time, and allowing them to be involved in commenting and suggesting improvements before the specification goes live. Read on for more information about where to find these specifications.
Mike Amundsen Workshop on API Design
"Don't version unless you absolutely must, and it is rare that you absolutely must" says Mike Amundsen in a series of API design workshops he held recently. Amundsen describes the "USE" paradigm for API design focussing on usability, scalability and evolvability. He describes the three most common styles of API implementation and how they compare to these principles.
Enterprise Chef Expands Reach and Depth into Data Centers
Opscode has just announced Enterprise Chef with new capabilities for automating configuration of Microsoft Windows, networking and storage. Enterprise Chef will be the successor to Private Chef and Hosted Chef as Opscode's new offering to provide the capabilities for configuring entire infrastructures.
Joy of StackMob
In the beginning of MBaaS, there was StackMob. Since then the mobile ecosystem has become flooded with competitors in this new approach to app dynamics. InfoQ takes a closer look at the Mobile Backend as a Service (MBaaS) provider StackMob and its privacy practices.
Introducing DevOps to Traditional Enterprises
Niek Bartholomeus recently finishing composing a four post DevOps focused blog series about leading the implementation of configuration management and release management in a traditional enterprise. Niek covers the theory of DevOps, then an analysis of the problems with software delivery within a traditional enterprise, and finally the application of specific DevOps practices.