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Java News Roundup - Week of March 15th, 2021
A roundup of smaller stories in the Java ecosystem from the week of March 15th, 2021, featuring the release of Java 16, JEPs advancing from Draft to Candidate status, and news from Hibernate, Red Hat and Spring.
Spring Framework 5.1 Ships with Java 11 Support
The SpringOne Platform conference got underway in Washington DC this week, with a flurry of new releases and annoucements. During the Tuesday morning keynote, Juergen Hoeller, principal engineer at Pivotal and co-founder of the Spring Framework, talked about Java 8, the new Java release cadence, and the support in Spring Framework 5.1 for Java 11, which was released yesterday.
SpringOne 2017 - Day 2 - Juergen Hoeller on Spring's Mission
The SpringOne Plaform Conference Day 2 keynote was well organized and replete with surprises, including keynotes by SpringFramework lead Juergen Hoeller and Microsoft Distinguished Engineer - one of the Gang of Four - Dr. Erich Gamma, among many notable others.
Servlet vs. Reactive: Choosing the Right Stack - Rossen Stoyanchev Presents at QCon SF 2017
Spring Framework 5 introduced a brand new reactive web framework spring-webflux, which resides alongside the traditional servlet based web framework spring-mvc.In his presentation, Rossen Stoyanchev talked about the differences in these two frameworks’ execution models, and how to decide when to select spring-webflux over spring-mvc.
Updated Spring 5.0 Roadmap and Reactive Story Presented at SpringOne
On the second day of the SpringOne Platform conference in Las Vegas, project lead Juergen Hoeller gave an update to attendees on the Spring framework roadmap.
High Level Plans for Spring 4.3 and 5.0 Announced at SpringOne2GX
During the opening night keynote at SpringOne2GX Juergen Hoeller, Principal Engineer at Pivotal Inc and Spring Framework project lead, outlined the company's high level plans for the Spring Framework.