InfoQ Homepage Spring Framework Content on InfoQ
Big Data in Memory
John Davies shows a Spring work-flow consuming 7.4kB XML messages, binding them to 25kB Java but storing them in just 450 bytes each, 10 million derivative contracts in-memory on a laptop.
Asychronous Design with Spring and RTI: 1M Events per Second
Stuart Williams takes a walk through the RTI architecture and explains how Spring performs at hundreds (and millions) of events/operations per second.
Spring Your Apps into the Cloud with a PaaS
Grant Shipley deploys an application to the cloud and then turns up the heat by leveraging the right mix of elasticity and auto-scaling.
Panel Session: Real World Boot-up Sequences
Erdem Gunay, Tim Hobson and Zach Lendon present their experiences with with Spring Boot.
Testing with Spring 4.x
Sam Brannen provides an overview of what's been deprecated, what's changed, and what's been introduced in Spring's testing support, with real life examples and tips for best practices.
Spring 4 Web Applications
Rossen Stoyanchev overviews the areas in which the Spring framework has evolved along with highlights of specific noteworthy features from the most recent releases.
Spring Framework on Java 8
Juergen Hoeller illustrates basic Spring Framework 4.0 concepts and selected Java 8 features within Spring's programming model, exploring the impact on application architectures.
Caching and Messaging Improvements in Spring Framework 4.1
Juergen Hoeller and Stéphane Nicoll present major new features in Spring Framework 4.1: the numerous improvements around the caching abstraction, and messaging-related features.
Have You Seen Spring Lately?
David Turanski makes a tour of the latest Spring platform including Spring.IO, Spring Boot, Websocket support, Spring HATEOAS, and others.
Spring 4 on Java 8
Juergen Hoeller introduces Spring 4 and illustrates selected Java 8 features in interaction with Spring's programming model, exploring their immediate practical impact.
Modern Component Design with Spring
Juergen Hoeller presents Spring as an annotation-oriented application framework, illustrating the rich set of features that Spring has to offer for modern component design.
Troubleshooting Live Java Web Applications
Ashley Puls methods and tools that can be used to uncover and resolve performance problems arising in Java web applications that use the Spring Framework.