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Pivotal Cloud Foundry, Google Machine Learning, and Spring
Brian Gregory, Brian Jimerson introduce the GCP Service Broker on Pivotal Cloud Foundry and the Google Cloud Machine Learning APIs demonstrating a Spring application using the Machine Learning APIs.
Take DevOps to 11 and Sprinkle Cloud on it with Rainbows and Unicorns
Matt Curry discusses the practices that helped a lean DevOps platform team grow to support 500 developers and an enterprise scale platform on Cloud Foundry.
Reactive Applications on Apache Tomcat and Servlet 3.1 Containers
Violeta Georgieva explains using the Servlet/Reactive Streams bridge to create reactive applications that can be deployed on Apache Tomcat or any Servlet 3.1 compatible containers.
Reactive Data Access with Spring Data
Christoph Strobl and Mark Paluch discuss non-blocking data access using Spring Data for NoSQl data stores and Project Reactor.
Reimagining Customer Experiences Utilizing Pivotal Cloud Foundry
Jason Michener and Vipul Savjani discuss how Comcast used Pivotal Cloud Foundry to create a new application that changed how they are engaging with their customers.
Everything's Coming up Dilbert: Building Product in the Enterprise
Emily Tate discusses challenges to building great product in the enterprise, including: user research, roadblocks, MVP misunderstandings, product autonomy, Institutional momentum against change.
Spring Integration 5.0: What's New?
Artem Bilan discusses how Spring Integration has been affected by Spring Framework 5 and Java 8, presenting new features (including Reactive Streams) and how to use them through a coding demo.
How to Navigate the Sea of "No"
Jon Osborn and Brian Jimerson present how the Great American Insurance Group managed to build sponsors and champions, and transform software delivery through cloud native technologies and culture.
Bringing New Technology to Legacy Land
Don Fossgreen and Thomas Squeo discuss why they chose PCF over Red Hat Open Shift and why Spring became their gate to the cloud.
Zero to 12 Million
Brendan Aye discusses how T-Mobile built an application receiving 12M daily calls with Cloud Foundry, covering the issues encountered and how they dealt with them.
Programmatic Bean Registration with Spring Framework 5.0
Josh Long presents the existing programmatic bean registration support in Spring Framework 5 in both Kotlin and Java.
From Zero to Hero with Spring Boot
Brian Clozel shows how Spring Boot can help build web applications, tests to production-ready features, that leverage the Spring ecosystem.