InfoQ Homepage Spring Content on InfoQ
MongoDB-as-a-Service on Pivotal Cloud Foundry
Mallika Iyer and Sam Weaver cover a brief overview of Pivotal Cloud Foundry and deep dive into running MongoDB as a managed service on this platform.
I've Pair Programmed for 30,000 Hours: Ask Me Anything!
Joe Moore answers many questions about pair programming and remote pair programming, from the poignant to the silly.
NBCU Develops the Critical Need for Technical Agility in Media and Entertainment
Amar Sharma talks about NBC Universal Microservices infrastructure and how the new way they approach software development has equipped them to make better decisions about product investment.
Tales from a Balanced Team
Josh Franklin, Alex Basson, and Jim Thomson – a designer, an engineer, and a PM, respectively, will give a "Balanced Talk" on their successes and failures building the Small Token iOS app.
Cloud Native Key Management
Justin Smith discusses credential hygiene in distributed systems, covering topics such as key encrypting keys, hardware security modules, and promising advances in muti-party computation.
An Enterprise Journey to DevOps at Manulife
The panelists discuss how Manulife is transforming the way it builds software and how this transformation looks like from the point of view of developers, operators and the business.
Pragmatic Steps to DevOps: EMC Dojo One Year Later
Brian Roche describes how EMC adopted new work patterns to continuously innovate and deliver on their CNA Platform, adopting a DevOps culture.
Unwinding Platform Complexity with Concourse
Matt Curry and Alan Moran talk about how they started with a Concourse pipeline and evolved it into a platform automation powerhouse that delivers the entirety of their developer platform ecosystem.
Keep Calm and CF Push on Azure
Gil Isaacs talks about Microsoft’s open source PaaS strategy and shows an example of how we can deploy Java micro-services to (Pivotal) Cloud Foundry on Azure.
When Java Shops Grow Up They Become Web Companies
James Governor looks to bring the threads together about the Java renaissance and associated cultural change.
The Power of Partnership & Building a Cloud Native Tier-1 Platform in Parallel to the Existing Platform and Performing a Reverse Integration Deployment Strategy
Working with the Comcast SPARROW Activation Team Pivotal provided input on product strategy, architecture and design, anticipating more than a 50% reduction in infrastructure systems.
Unik: Unikernel Backend to Cloud Foundry
Idit Levine introduces Unik, an orchestration system for unikernels. He covers: an overview of Unikernel, UniK and the integration with Cloud Foundry followed by a demo.