InfoQ Homepage SpringOne 2GX 2015 Content on InfoQ
From Zero to Hero with Spring WebSocket
Sergi Almar presents how to enhance a traditional Spring MVC application with real-time functionalities and bidirectional messaging based on WebSockets for a more interactive user experience.
Testing your Spring Boot Application with Selenium
Mathilde Lemee presents a live-demo based session and covers the best practices, patterns and tools that help one deliver a solid web application with Selenium.
Comparing Hot JavaScript Frameworks: AngularJS, Ember.js and React.js
Matt Raible compares three JavaScript MVC frameworks: AngularJS, Ember.js and React.js, including client vs. server side templating and how they support isomorphic JavaScript.
Microservices to FastData in the Enterprise with Spring
John T Davies is using Spring Integration and Spring Boot to ingest gigabytes of complex data into two different in-memory data grids (IMDGs), showing the design and implementation with several demos.
#NoXML: Eliminating XML in Your Spring Projects
Matt Raible shows how to eliminate XML by configuring Spring beans with JavaConfig and annotations, and how to remove web.xml and configure web components with Java.
High Performance Stream Processing
S Maldini, G Renfro and D Turanski dissect a Spring XD app to show design patterns and techniques for getting the highest throughput and lowest resource utilization in streaming apps.
Reactive Web Applications
Stephane Maldini and Rossen Stoyanchev discuss building reactive web applications, the choice of runtimes, using reactive streams for network I/O and the reactive programming model.
Developing Real-time Data Pipelines with Apache Kafka
Joe Stein makes an introduction for developers about why and how to use Apache Kafka. Apache Kafka is a publish-subscribe messaging system rethought of as a distributed commit log.
A Spring Developer's Guide to Social Integration
Craig Walls discusses how to use Spring Social, Spring Boot, and Spring Integration to expand the reach of an application to those services, effectively injecting the app into their social graph.
Building Microservices with Event Sourcing and CQRS
Michael Ploed talks about the distributed data management challenges that arise in a microservices architecture and how they can be solved using event sourcing in an event-driven architecture.
What It Means to be Just In Time
Ashley Puls explains what happens to bytecode inside the JVM. It begins with an overview of the Just In Time (JIT) compiler and discusses JIT optimizations such as method inlining and loop unrolling.
Supercharging Operations and Analytics: Using Spring XD to Support Analytics and CEP
Joseph Paulchell discusses the journey from batch-oriented processes using databases to a real-time data streaming solution and the significant benefits achieved as well as the challenges encountered.