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W3C Launches Community and Business Groups
W3C has opened up their infrastructure and expertise to the world to create Community and Business Groups useful to develop specifications and tests or simply hold discussions around web technologies. W3C Community Groups are open and do not require any fee, and all proceedings are public, while Business Groups do require a fee. Interview with Ian Jacobs, Head of W3C Marketing and Communications.
Accelerating Cloud Computing Standards with Use Cases
A set of key cloud computing use cases focused on cloud management, portability, interoperability and security has been developed by the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) as an on-going contribution for the definition of open standards for cloud computing.
Testing a Browser’s JavaScript Compatibility with Test 262
The recently released ECMAScript 262 5.1 fixes bugs in the previous major version 5.0, and is accompanied by Test 262, an online JavaScript compatibility test suite.
IBM WebSphere Application Server Version 8 Released with Full Java EE 6 Support
IBM WebSphere Application Server V8 has been launched, becoming the third application server to offer complete support for the full Java EE 6 profile.
Olap4j 1.0: a Java API for OLAP Servers
Business Intelligence vendor Pentaho has announced the release of olap4j 1.0, a new, common Java API for any online analytical processing (OLAP) server.
Apache Chemistry, an Open Source Implementation of OASIS CMIS, Becomes a Top-Level Project
The Apache Software foundation has announced that Apache Chemistry, an Open Source implementation of the OASIS CMIS standard, has graduated to become a top-level project.
NIST Cloud Computing Twiki Launched
Today NIST began sending users their credentials for their Cloud Computing twiki, of which Kevin Jackson was one of the first to be granted access. The intent of the NIST working group is to promote cloud computing adoption and overcome the current percieved barriers of security, interoperability and portability.
Work begins on JAX-RS 2.0
JAX-RS is the standard for RESTful services in enterprise Java. It has been finalised since 2008 and part of EE6 since late 2009, with several implementations. Over the past couple of years there has been a lot of implementation experience and now Oracle have announced that JAX-RS 2.0 is in the works, as well as giving an indication of their current thoughts. But are they missing anything?
Nuxeo Introduces Plug-in Marketplace, CMIS Support to its Enterprise Content Management Offerings
Open Source Enterprise Content Management (ECM) company Nuxeo has updated its Open Source OSGi-Based Content Management Infrastructure, adding support for JBoss 5.1, JBoss EAP, and CMIS 1.0, and introducing the Marketplace providing a distribution channel for Plug-ins.
Standards and Open Source for Cloud Computing
Three recent announcements highlight the evolving cloud ecosystem in favor of openness and standards. Red Hat has moved its Deltacloud effort to the Apache Incubator, Rackspace has made its Cloud Files code open source, and the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) has released two documents laying out the essential functions for cloud computing and descriptive language for them.
Platform as a Service, Portability and Mobility
Are current PaaS solutions really vendor lock-in opportunities? In a recent article Joe McKendrick discusses this possibility in terms of application portability and mobility. He also ties this to similar issues that affect the SOA world.
Python Could Become the Language of Finance
The SEC is proposing that most Asset Backed Securities include a downloadable “program that gives effect to the flow of funds, or “waterfall,” provisions of the transaction”. If the proposal is passed, this program would have to be written in Python and posted EDGAR.
ECMA Common Language Infrastructure 5th Edition
The ECMA working group in charge of the Common Language Infrastructure standard has produced released a working draft of the 5th edition. The CLI represents the subset of Microsoft’s .NET platform that has been placed in the care of Ecma International. Originally known as the European Computer Manufacturers Association, Ecma International both competes with and complements ISO.
Real Time Web And Cloud Management Standards
William Vambenepe comments on the absence of “real time” features in existing cloud management solutions and proposes the desirable properties that define such solutions. Dare Obasanjo examines implementations of the real time web available today and provides a detailed explanation of the technologies such services use. Is the real time web a grassroots solution to cloud management standards?
SOA Practioners Should Define Standards First
Standards are often cited as important, helping to prevent vendor lock-in and allow for interoperability between heterogeneous implementations. However, as Steve Jones points out recently, it is still common for many SOA practitioners to ignore selecting standards at the start of the SOA lifecyle. In this article he outlines where standards should fit in and how REST is no exception to this rule.