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  • Spreading CMMI Practices among Agile Teams in Big Organizations

    Agile methodologies have become mainstream because they provide a better fit to the modern, changing software world. CMMI is a cross-organizational approach which has proven successful in terms of quality assurance and cost when executed properly. Big organizations with self-organized agile teams can achieve technical maturity levels, by using a common metalanguage and a good-practices catalog.

  • Agile at the Office of Personnel Management

    In its attempts to modernize retirement claims processing the Office of Personnel Management had several versions of this project cancelled. The most recent of which used "requirements, design, implement, and test cycles to develop the system. During the testing phases, serious issues became evident". In trying again the director said that they weren't going to repeat the mistakes of the past.

  • JetBrains Developer Tools

    JetBrains is one of the few companies that thrives selling developer tools. In this interview you get some insight in their strategies, current and new products and future plans.

  • Introducing New Technology in Agile

    This article combines the case-study experience of the author and a general decision-making framework for agile teams facing the challenge of introducing a new technology, mid-stream in a project.

  • Confessions of A New Agile Developer

    This short article is a first-person case history of someone taking up Agility for the first time. It covers the problems and reactions that are common to most teams and most developers.

  • The Story of a Project

    Olivier Mallassi shares a story of a typical software development project, some typical problems and what he learned from Tom Demarco about addressing those problems, and an alternative story.

  • Agile Finance: Story Point Cost

    This article ties a rather abstract and developer centered concept (story points) to the real world of business (spreadsheets and ledgers). Making this connection is essential for management.

  • Fred Brooks on The Design of Design: Interview and Excerpt

    A review of Frederick P. Brooks' latest book, The Design of Design. Few individuals have had as much influence on the 'practice' of software development and this book of loosely coupled essays on the essence of design, design process, and the development and nurturing of great designers extends and enhances previous contributions to the field. The review is enhanced with an interview and excerpt.

  • Enhanced Detection of Malware

    This article, from Intel, discusses significant new threats to host agents, outlines a generic architecture for malware detection, based on enhanced cloud computing, describes how Intel platform technologies can be used to enhance computing solutions, and ends with a threat analysis of the approaches presented. Malware that masks its presence from traditional security agents is the article focus.

  • Building FlightCaster's Frontends for the Web and Smartphones

    In part two of InfoQ's interview with the FlightCaster team, we discuss scaling Rails on Heroku, the problems of integrating data from multiple providers and mobile smartphone applications.

  • The Hidden Face of Agile

    There are intangibles that result from adopting Agile development techniques. The hidden side of the transformation, so to speak – the changes in perceived values of interpersonal relationships, the enhanced necessity for trust, the soon-obvious need for enhancing cross-site communication inefficiencies are examined in this article.

  • Case study: Eclipse Rich Ajax Platform Use at CAS Software AG

    Eclipse RAP (Rich Ajax Platform) in the real world is covered in this case study which looks at how CAS Software AG used RAP on a recent new product offering. Eclipse Equinox is also used by CAS and covered in the case study.