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  • Applying Social Leadership to Enhance Collaboration and Nurture Communities

    There are many styles and forms of leadership. In this article we explore social leadership, a form of leadership that has helped to challenge views on what leadership truly is and find out what behaviours can help create collaborative cultures and spaces where learning and meaningful engagement matter the most.

  • Lessons Learned from Self-Selection Reteaming at Redgate

    Redgate Software runs a yearly deliberate reteaming process across engineering to alter how they invest the efforts of teams and encourage people to move towards the work they find most engaging. Self-selection reteaming is an effective and empowering method of aligning with company goals. It normalized the idea of people moving between teams for personal development and renewed sense of purpose.

  • A Design Thinking Roadmap for Process Improvement and Organizational Change

    How to understand an organization and the problem they want to improve, find solutions to problems, and provide feasible and high value recommendations that significantly transform how the organization operates for many years? This article shows how design thinking techniques have been used at NASA to drive organizational change and process improvement to create an impact on the organization.

  • How Medical Companies are Innovating through Agile Practices

    The adoption of Agile methods has been steadily growing in medical product companies over the past ten years. Practices vary from cloud-based continuous flow for data-intensive services to sprint-based for physical devices with embedded software. The question is no longer whether, but how Agile can work in medical product development - for our mix of technical, market, and regulatory constraints.

  • Improving Speed and Stability of Software Delivery Simultaneously at Siemens Healthineers

    In this article, we focus on the software delivery process at Siemens Healthineers Digital Health. The process is subject to strict regulations valid in the medical industry. We show our journey of transforming the process towards speed and stability. Both measures improved at the same time during the transformation, confirming research from the “Accelerate” book.

  • Thoughtfully Training SRE Apprentices: Establishing Padawan and Jedi Matches

    This article shares how Padawans and Jedis can inspire and teach us how to help people of a wide variety of backgrounds, ages, and experience levels to observe and understand failures in production. It covers practical lessons learned and shares how you can create and rollout a program for SRE Apprentices within your organization. It also shares feedback from the SRE Apprentices themselves.

  • A Journey in Test Engineering Leadership: Applying Session-Based Test Management

    This article shows how modifying Session-based Test Management to our context helped us gain more visibility into our testing. Having a structured yet flexible approach to test management allowed us to make better, more timely decisions about the testing, and gave us more opportunities to influence quality decisions earlier in the process.

  • Applying Lean Tools and Techniques to Scrum

    This article focuses on some of the challenges that Scrum is facing and how Lean can be a complementary approach. Lean is often misunderstood as a heavyweight process when in fact it is a philosophy, one that is grounded in continuous improvement. The topic of waste, a central theme that Lean helps focus on, shows us that Scrum can be improved upon.

  • Paving the Road to Production

    Coinbase has gotten much from its deploy pipelines. We deploy thousands of servers across hundreds of projects per day, to serve our millions of customers and their billions in assets. This article explores the journey Coinbase took to get where it is now, it describes their paved roads and how they've had to change over time in response to their company growing.

  • Building Your Own Agile Team Maturity Assessment

    An agile maturity assessment can help teams come to a common understanding of what agile maturity looks like and what steps they can take to get there. In this article, we are going to dive into the value of assessing things, with concrete examples you can use, and will help you learn how to build an assessment for your teams and/or organization that is fit-for-purpose.

  • Danske Bank’s 360° DevSecOps Evolution at a Glance

    This article provides an overview of the ongoing DevSecOps evolution at Danske Bank, positioned within the broader transformation that the firm is performing. The main enablers and motivating factors of the evolution are outlined, with challenges discovered. The high level overview of the DevSecOps operating model, together with anti-patterns discovered and main lessons learned concludes it.

  • Leveraging Small Teams to Scale Agility - a Red Hat Case Study

    This article gives you a sneak peek into the adoption of Agile methodology at Red Hat. It shows how they have split the existing large subsystem team into smaller durable Scrum teams. Small teams scale well. They can more easily clarify dependencies and increase focus, leading to an increase in the ability to complete work, can mature faster, and can learn from a “fail fast” mentality more easily.