InfoQ Homepage Test Automation Content on InfoQ
How to Make the Most of Code Analysis?
Patrick Smacchia shares code analysis-related practices - structuring code, measuring code quality, automated tests, code contracts, reporting progress, trending- based on his experience with NDepend.
Agile Testing Practices
Janet Gregory explains how testing activities are included throughout the Agile process, and how a tester can add value, discussing ATDD (Acceptance Test Driven Development), and exploratory testing.
Testing the Hard Stuff and Staying Sane
John Hughes discusses automated testing techniques that can catch more code defects, with war stories from the likes of Ericsson, Volvo Cars, and Basho Technologies.
So Long, and Thanks for All the Tests
Seb Rose explores the choices a team needs to make when considering which Agile test practices to adopt, urging teams to practice, practice, practice until they are happy with the way they code.
Creating a Walking Skeleton
Paul Grenyer discusses why and how to create a Walking Skeleton - an implementation of the thinnest possible slice of real functionality that we can automatically build, deploy and test end-to-end.
Testing Java Code With Confidence
Doug Hiebert discusses the principles and objectives behind automated testing, TDD, Unit and Integration Testing, using asserting and mocking to write tests, and static analysis.
Test First Development v.Next with Pex and Moles
David Starr demoes Pex –a parameterized white box unit test tool- and Moles –an isolation framework-, two .NET tools useful for test-first development.
Testing for the Unexpected
Ulf Wiger discusses the importance of automated testing along with some lessons learned at Ericsson, including using randomized and extensive testing, aiming to achieve system robustness.
Savara - Formally Verifying SOA Designs Against Requirements
Steve Ross-Talbot presents Savara, comprising a set of tools enabling enterprise architects to validate various artifacts against other artifacts based on the “Testable Architecture” methodology.
The Case for Evolvable Software
Stephanie Forrest believes in the possibility to create evolvable software through automated bug repair, optimizing or improving code and creating new combinations of existing functionality.
Development at the Speed and Scale of Google
Ashish Kumar on how Google keeps the source code of over 2000 projects in a single code trunk containing 100s of M of code lines, with more than 5,000 developers accessing the same repository.
Performance Testing at the Edge
Alois Reitbauer shows how to do performance testing during development, testing, and production by starting early in the development phase, breaking the test into pieces, and testing continuously.