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InfoQ Homepage Unit Testing Content on InfoQ

  • Java News Roundup: IntelliJ IDEA, JEP 421, Groovy, Open Liberty, Hibernate ORM, Eclipse Collections

    This week's Java roundup for November 29th, 2021, features news from OpenJDK, JDK 18, Project Loom Build 18-loom+7-288, multiple Spring project point releases, Quarkus 2.5.1.Final, WildFly 26 Beta 1, Open Liberty, Hibernate ORM 6.0.0-Beta2, Eclipse Mojarra 2.3.17, GraalVM Native Build Tools 0.9.8, Groovy 4.0.0-RC1, Eclipse Collections 11.0.0, IntelliJ IDEA 2021.3, and JReleaser 0.9.0.

  • Shifting Quality Left with the Test Pyramid

    Shifting quality left means building in quality much earlier in the software development cycle, rather than testing for quality after completion of development. Using the test pyramid model, a project was able to move testing towards earlier stages, thereby finding defects that caused integration issues earlier in development.

  • Ebay Open-Sources Package to Reduce Test Flakiness Using Swift and Xcode

    Targeted Auto Retry is Ebay's approach to dealing with test flakiness that aims to make a continuous integration pipeline more resilient to flaky test steps. To make this approach straightforward to use, Ebay has open sourced a lightweight framework for the Swift language that can be used with Xcode unit testing framework.

  • Cypress 5.x Adds Test Retries and Shadow DOM Support

    Cypress, a browser-based test runner and dashboard, recently introduced native support for test retries in the Cypress 5.0 release, helping developers avoid intermittent test failures. Other recent Cypress advances include networking stubbing and shadow DOM support.

  • JUnit Project Moves to Azure Pipelines for Builds

    JUnit, a unit testing framework for Java, is one of the most popular libraries used by Java developers. The JUnit team recently announced they've adopted Azure Pipelines for continuous integration (CI).

  • Jest 24 Improves TypeScript Support, Plans Migration to TypeScript

    The Jest team recently released version 24 of their JavaScript testing framework which improves its support for TypeScript test authoring. The Jest team also announced plans to migrate their codebase from Flow to TypeScript in the near future.

  • Apache Releases NetBeans 10.0 Featuring Enhanced Support for JDK 11

    The Apache Software Foundation recently released NetBeans 10.0 featuring enhanced support for JDK 11, adding support for JUnit 5, and the reintegration of the PHP, JavaScript, and Groovy modules. Apache has committed to two releases in 2019 to include support for JDK 12 and JDK 13.

  • How Continuous Delivery Impacts Testing

    With continuous delivery we need to focus on quality as we write the code. Not every team will have testers, but if there are testers then they will work closely with developers, writing code to automate the small number of tests that cannot be covered by unit tests while helping developers creating unit tests.

  • Google Open Sources Accessibility Test Framework for iOS

    Google GTXiLib, an accessibility test automation framework for iOS, is now open source under the Apache License. GTXiLib is written in Objective-C and integrate with Xcode unit testing facilities.

  • Visual Studio Code Announces JUnit Support

    The team at Microsoft which supports Visual Studio Code (better known as VS Code) has announced the release of an extension to run and debug Java JUnit test cases. The extension works with the Java Language Support extension provided by Red Hat and the Debugger for Java to complete the end-to-end development experience for developers working in the Java language in the editor.

  • IntelliJ IDEA 2017.3: Enhanced Support for Java EE 8, Spring Boot, and JUnit

    Just three months after their last release, JetBrains recently released version 2017.3 of their flagship product, IntelliJ IDEA, with a host of new features including enhanced support for Java, Java EE 8, Spring Boot, Kotlin, and Docker.

  • JUnit 5 Released

    JUnit 5 was released recently - the first major revision of JUnit in over a decade. The new release is one of the first projects to use the new EPL-2.0 license and features a modern modular architecture to assist toolmakers as well as end users.

  • Tackling Technical Debt at Meetup

    Continuous product health can be realized by regularly prioritizing the highest impact technical debt items and knocking those off systemically. You need to continuously iterate how you're tackling technical debt to drive more and more impactful results. Going for maximum impact items first and communicating the impact of paying down technical debt is what Yvette Pasqua, CTO of Meetup, recommends.

  • Microsoft to Offer Live Unit Testing in Visual Studio 2017

    With more features being pushed down into less expensive versions, Microsoft is always looking for ways to justify the hefty price tag for Visual Studio Enterprise Edition. New for this year, the headline feature is “live unit testing”.

  • Writing Good Unit Tests

    Try to keep units small, use appropriate tools, and pair-up programmers and tester; these are suggestions for writing good unit tests. Unit testing is a mixture of programming and testing; programmers can work together with testers to learn from each other and broaden their knowledge horizons.