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Virtual Panel: Kubernetes and the Challenges of Multi-Cloud
Kubernetes is eliminating vendor lock-in and enabling cloud portability. In this panel, the panelists talk about what multi-cloud means as more than a common platform on multiple clouds.
The Current State of Blockchain - Panel Discussion (Part 2)
The final two panelists introduce themselves and share their views of the current state of the Blockchain world. We're joined by Richard Brown, CTO at R3 and David Gerard, journalist and author of "Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain"
The Current State of Blockchain - Panel Discussion (Part 1)
The first two panelists introduce themselves and give their view of the current state of blockchain. John Davies, CTO and co-founder of Velo Payments, and Conor Svensson, author of the web3j library for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain, give their view on the current state of blockchain.
Can People Trust the Automated Decisions Made by Algorithms?
The use of automated decision making is increasing. These algorithms can produce results that are incomprehensible, or socially undesirable. How can we determine the safety of algorithms in devices if we cannot understand them? Public fears about the inability to foresee adverse consequences has impeded technologies such as nuclear energy and genetically modified crops.
Virtual Panel: Microservices Interaction and Governance Model - Orchestration v Choreography
The recent trend in application architectures is to transition from monolithic applications to a microservices model. This transition without a good service interaction model will most likely result in chaos and a service landscape that's hard to govern and maintain. InfoQ spoke with domain experts on this topic and compiled their responses in this virtual panel article
Virtual Panel: High Performance Application in .NET
The panelists discuss high performance computing in .NET. The topics range from the main challenges they faced, to .NET Native and high performance in unconventional platforms. Memory allocation and thus garbage collection are at the center of the conversation, from both users' and implementers' point of view.
InfoQ Virtual Panel: A Practical Approach to Serverless Computing
Add serverless computing to the growing list of options developers have when building software. Serverless products—more accurately referred to as Functions-as-a-Service—offer incredible simplicity, but at a cost. To learn more about this exciting space and the practical implications, InfoQ reached out to three experienced technologists.
Virtual Panel: Data Science, ML, DL, AI and the Enterprise Developer
InfoQ caught up with experts in the field to demystify the different topics surrounding AI, and how enterprise developers can leverage them today and thereby render their solutions more intelligently.
Virtual Panel: Microservices in Practice
Microservices have gone from development practices for the select few to something many developers in a range of organisations are embracing. Some believe that technologies that can assist with developing and adopting microservices are ineffective without associated changes within the organisations. We spoke with panelists to get different perspectives on the state of the art with microservices.
Virtual Panel: What's Next for .NET?
A lot happened in the last year in the .NET ecosystem. Putting aside the details, the bigger picture is difficult to grasp. There is movement in all aspects: cross-platform, cloud, mobile, web apps and universal apps. Developers wonder where all of this is going to lead and what will be required to get there.
Virtual Panel: Document and Description Formats for Web APIs
In this virtual panel we hear from 4 individuals deeply involved in the Web API space. Each of them has a unique take on the values, benefits, and costs of documentation and description formats in general, and provide their own unique perspective from their vantage points across the Web. They agree on one thing: something must be done to help developers find their way through the world of Web APIs
Virtual Panel on Bimodal IT
Bimodal IT has been supported by many and criticized by many. InfoQ reached out to enterprise experts to dig deeper into the pros and cons of this strategy and how/when/if is it applicable.