InfoQ Homepage Visualization Content on InfoQ
The Shape of Thoughts: How to Create Visual Templates to Bring Clarity, Context and Change to You and Your Teams!
Gemma Honour discusses how simple shapes can shape thinking, and break down difficult problems into something that is manageable and approachable.
Boost Your Team’s Productivity with a Powerful Visual Management!
Artur Margonari discusses tips and tricks around visual management, new concepts and examples to have a powerful visual management and boost a team’s productivity.
Jupyter Notebooks: Interactive Visualization Approaches
Chakri Cherukuri talks about how to understand and visualize machine learning models using interactive widgets and introduces the widget libraries.
Radical Realizations with Tracing & Metric Visualizations
David Crawford, Sean Keery share insights about combining tracing data & metrics with animated traffic dashboards to convey a more comprehensive understanding of the variables in play.
Code Archaeology
David Mitchell shows how to create visualizations out of code: building a map for a large, legacy code base, creating visuals without drawing, and explaining a roadmap to bring code under control.
Pyh3: Scalable and High Performance Graph Visualization in 3D Hyperbolic Space
Songxiao Zhang introduces Pyh3, a graph visualization library showing tree nodes in a 3D hyperbolic space.
Introduction to D3.js
Bryan Nehl introduces the D3.js visualization library, demonstrating and explaining the code behind some of the more practical and interesting visualizations and charts.
Trench Talk: Models and Friends
Yves Reynhout discusses models, how they're created and tested against scenarios, how they're useful, what distinguishes them from others, how they're visualized and communicated, etc.
Logging Makes Perfect - Real-world Monitoring and Visualizations
Itamar Syn-Hershko shows using various technologies -Storm, Node.js, Riemann, collectd, D3.js, ELK, PagerDuty, Slack - to power Forter’s service and keep it highly available and under control.
Visual Storytelling With D3: A Conceptual Introduction to Visualizing Data with JavaScript
Ritchie King introduces core concepts of D3, a chart JavaScript library, showcasing its capabilities for visualizing data in the browser.
High Impact Facilitation
Lynne Cazaly shares insight on how to start a high impact meeting or workshop, the process, the agenda, and the tools that can help facilitate such an event.
The Girl with the Chisel Tip Marker
Lynne Cazaly shares ways to achieve greater buy-in, clearer communication and higher levels of engagement with team members, stakeholders, sponsors and business units using "visual agility".