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  • Joel Webber on Porting Angry Birds to HTML5

    Joel Webber, co-creator of the Google Web Toolkit, held the session Angry Birds on HTML5 at GOTO Aarhus 2011, recorded and published by InfoQ. We interviewed Webber to find out more details on porting the popular game Angry Birds to Google Chrome and HTML 5.

  • An Update on Google Native Client

    Beside C/C++, Google Native Client has added support for runtimes such as Mono, and a richer set of Pepper interfaces: accelerated 3D, full-screen, File IO, debugging, and others. New languages -Lua, TCL, OCaml- are being ported, and several major producers have ported their game engines or their games to NaCl.

  • Google proposes Dart bindings and Multi-VM support to WebKit

    Google’s Vijay Menon proposed on the WebKit developers mailing list the creation of a branch that would add support for multiple runtimes and ready made bindings for the Dart language. Other languages that could be supported are Python, Java, Ruby, Lua and more.

  • Mozilla Considers Blacklisting Java

    The Mozilla Foundation has publicly considered disabling Java from running in the browser environment, thanks to recent research that indicates Java is the top of the three vectors for security exploits in the browser.

  • Google Native Client Makes Its Debut in Chrome 14

    Google Native Client has been included in Chrome 14 Beta, on its way to become a technology supported in production.

  • Should the Web be Encrypted?

    Last week, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), in collaboration with the Tor Project, has launched an official 1.0 version of HTTPS Everywhere, a tool for the Firefox web browser that helps secure web browsing by encrypting connections to more than 1,000 websites.

  • Web Intents: Google's Mechanism for Inter WebApp Linking

    Are you spending hours writing custom code to integrate with various third party service providers from your web application? Google's Chrome team is working on a master API for moving the onus from the developer to the user through analogous late run-time binding mechanisms used by the Intents system on the Android OS.

  • Debugging Mobile Web Apps: Weinre and JSConsole Now, Remote WebKit Eventually

    Debuggers in mobile web browsers are anemic at best. InfoQ takes a look at existing workarounds and tools like Weinre and JSConsole, as well as the upcoming changes in mobile browsers that will bring full debugging support. Also: the two mobile browsers that already live in the future and ship remote debugging support.

  • Enterprise Reacts to Browser Release Cycle

    Enterprise organizations were taken by surprise with the recent release of Firefox 5.0 just three months after 4.0, citing security concern and lack of stable Firefox versions for enterprises to work with. At the same time Microsoft has reaffirmed its commitment to enterprises as well as general web consumers.

  • New HTML Parsing Rules in IE 10

    One of the major changes in HTML 5 was the introduction of standardized parsing rules for non-standard HTML, or more specifically, mal-formed HTML. Internet Explorer will start abiding by these new parsing rules in the recently released version 10, platform preview 2.

  • IE10 Platform Preview 2 Available

    The IE team has announced Second Platform Preview for IE10. The Preview showcases new IE features like Positioned Floats, HTML5 SandBox, HTML5 Forms, setImmediate API, Page Visibility API, Async Scripts and more. It uses the same HTML5 engine seen in the recent Windows 8 demos.

  • jQuery Mobile Beta 1 Supports Many Browsers and Platforms

    jQuery Mobile has reached the Beta 1 milestone with support for all major browsers and mobile OSes. A final release is expected by the end of the summer.

  • Chrome Browser, Web Store and Chromebook at Google I/O Keynote

    During the second day keynote at Google I/O, there where several important announcements regarding the Chrome Browser, Web Store and Chromebook.  This post from InfoQ’s correspondent at the conference summarizes those new developments.

  • IonMonkey: Mozilla’s new JavaScript JIT compiler

    IonMonkey is the name of Mozilla’s new JavaScript JIT compiler, which aims to enable many new optimizations in the SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine. InfoQ had a small Q&A with Lead Developer David Anderson, about this new development that could bring significant improvements in products that use the SpiderMonkey engine like Firefox, Thunderbird, Adobe Acrobat, MongoDB and more.

  • What does “Native HTML5” Actually Mean?

    At yesterday’s keynote Microsoft was proudly displaying their first platform preview of IE 10. Amongst all the crowing about its performance enhancements a bigger issue was missed. What do they really mean by “Native HTML5”? Is it really just about hardware acceleration? We don’t think so.