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  • Last IE9 Platform Preview Available with Improved Performance and Standards Compliance

    Microsoft has released the fourth and last preview version of Internet Explorer 9, which features hardware acceleration, deep integration with the JS engine and has improvements in performance and adoption of standards like SVG, CSS, HTML5, etc.

  • Internet Explorer 9 Preview 3 Has Better HTML5 Support

    Internet Explorer Preview 3 comes with new HTML5 improvements, most notably being: audio, video and canvas, a faster JavaScript engine, more DOM and CSS features supported, support for embedded fonts, closing the HTML5 implementation gap with other browsers, and performing better in some areas due to hardware acceleration.

  • Microsoft’s HTML5 Compliance Test Results Are Disputed by Google, Mozilla, and Opera [UPDATED]

    Microsoft has posted the results for 192 tests grouped in 8 categories for HTML5, SVG 1.1, CSS3, and DOM Level 2&3 showing that IE9 Preview passes all of them with flying colors while Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Safari have mixed results varying from 0% to 100% depending on the category. The conclusion, that IE9 is the most compliant with W3C standards, is contested by Google, Mozilla, Opera.

  • Apple's "HTML 5 and Web Standards" Showcase Criticized for Not Being Standard At All

    Apple has created an HTML 5 Showcase that presents its vision for the next generation of the WWW. The fact that this page is only accessible using the Safari browser, while Apple advocates about web standards, has caused many to criticize the company’s lack of broader platform support.

  • Managed Extensions for Internet Explorer

    With .NET 4.0, writing reliable managed extensions for Internet Explorer has become possible. Unlike previous versions, each extension will run against the CLR it was compiled for instead of mindlessly grabbing the most recent version. Alas, COM interfaces are still needed.

  • Microsoft Tips the Scale in Favor of HTML 5 and H.264

    Dean Hachamovitch, General Manager for Internet Explorer at Microsoft, has announced that IE9 will use only the H.264 standard to play HTML 5 video. Microsoft seems to have become very committed to HTML 5, while Flash loses even more ground. The announcement came the same day Steve Jobs detailed why Apple does not accept Flash on iPhone and iPad.

  • Doing WebGL Rendering on Windows with ANGLE

    Google uses WebGL to natively render 3D graphics inside Chrome. The problem is that WebGL relies on OpenGL 2.0, and not all Windows systems have its drivers installed. The ANGLE (Almost Native Graphics Layer Engine) project is intended as a thin layer between WebGL and DirectX, enabling Chrome to do 3D on any Windows system.

  • Internet Explorer 9 Preview: New Features and Analysis

    Microsoft has released a preview version of Internet Explorer 9 with improvements in performance and adoption of standards like SVG, CSS, HTML5 and more.

  • Top 10 Web Software Application Security Risks

    OWASP, an open and free organization focused on evaluating and improving software application security, has released the OWASP Top 10 Application Security Risks – 2010 RC1, a whitepaper documenting the top 10 web application security risks along with details on how threat agents can exploit these possible vulnerabilities, accompanied with examples and advice on what can be done to avoid them.

  • Chrome 4 Now Supports the HTML 5 Web SQL Database API

    Google has announced support for the HTML 5 Web SQL Database API, and others are likely to follow soon or have already started on support for this API. In the meantime, the completion of the specification is blocked because all the implementers involved have chosen to use SQLite as underlying database, and multiple independent implementations are required for standardization.

  • Google Will Stop Supporting Older Browsers

    Google has announced they will stop supporting older and less secure browsers like IE6, Firefox 2.x, Chrome 3 or Safari 2 starting with Google Docs and Google Sites editor from March 1st, 2010.

  • 5 Security Enhancements in Chrome

    Google has added five security enhancements to Chrome in order to make browsing more secure: cross-documents message posting, Strict Transport Security, Origin and X-Frame-Options header fields, and Reflective XSS Filter. Some of these features have already been or are to be implemented by other browsers.

  • The HTML 5 sandbox Attribute Improves iFrame Security

    The Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG) is working jointly with W3C on developing the HTML 5 standard, which has been at "Last Call" at WHATWG for the last 3 months. During this time one feature which has changed more significantly is the sandbox attribute of the iframe element. sandbox can be used to isolate untrusted web page content from performing certain operations.

  • YouTube announces HTML5 demo, but not for FireFox 3.6

    YouTube announces an HTML5 video beta, which allows playback without resorting to using a Flash plugin. Videos are only available in the H.264 format, which leads to greater performance on some hardware devices, but leaves out the new FireFox 3.6 which only supports the Ogg video format.

  • Chrome News: Mac and Linux Beta, Extensions and Web Sockets

    Google Chrome’s latest additions are: Chrome Beta for Max and Linux, Extensions for Windows and Linux, and Web Sockets.