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InfoQ Homepage ASP.NET MVC Content on InfoQ

  • ASP.NET MVC is Open Source

    It has just been announced that ASP.NET MVC has been released under Microsoft’s open source license. The Microsoft Public License is certified by the Open Source Initiative, making is appropriate for most projects requiring an open source license including Novell’s Mono.

  • MIX 09: Microsoft Announces SilverLight 3, Expression 3, ASP.Net 4, Web-PI, Web Galery and More

    In a breath taking keynote, Microsoft announced its new wave of technologies addressing the needs of Web, Media and RIA development. Bill Buxton and Scott Guthrie demonstrated the new features that bring user experience and productivity to a new level.

  • ASP.NET MVC 1.0 Released

    Microsoft just released their new ASP.NET Model-View-Controller (MVC) web framework version 1.0 that is going to be announced at Mix 2009 today.

  • Article: A Fusion of Proven Ideas: A Look Behind S#arp Architecture

    In this article Billy McCafferty presents S#arp Architecture, an ASP.NET MVC architectural framework meant to leverage current best practices in architecting ASP.NET web applications by providing a project code template which uses Domain-Driven Design techniques and has built-in support for NHibernate, Castle Windsor and SQLite.

  • VB May Get a Big Push from ASP.NET MVC

    ASP.NET MVC Microsoft developers back to the main steam world of website development. Along with it is a chance for Visual Basic to regain its dominance as the language of choice for .NET web developers. The key is how VB’s XML Literals can be used as an alternative to aspx-code for MVC Views.

  • Using T4 in ASP.NET MVC

    ASP.NET MVC is using T4 (Text Template Transformation Toolkit) to generate the code behind the scenes when a Controller or a View is added to a project. T4 is a fully customizable text generator based on templates.

  • ASP.NET MVC 1.0 Release Candidate

    Microsoft has published RC1 of ASP.NET MVC 1.0. It is expected to be the last public release before the final 1.0 release planned for February. MVC 1.0 RC1 makes significant Visual Studio tooling improvements, includes new run-time enhancements, and fixes numerous bug from the beta.

  • A Design Template Gallery Precedes ASP.NET MVC RC

    A design template gallery has recently being made public for ASP.NET MVC users containing free web site views ready to be downloaded and incorporated into a site. ASP.NET MVC Release Candidate will ship in January containing a series of improvements like: No code-behind files by default, scaffolding support, MSBuild task for views.

  • Chad Myers and Jeremy Miller: Opinions for ASP.NET MVC Developers

    ASP.NET MVC is still very much a work in progress and there is still plenty of room for determining the best way to use it or even ways to change it before the final 1.0 release. Chad Myers and Jeremy Miller present some rather stringent guidelines based on their experience with Ruby on Rails.

  • Web Frameworks, MVC, and ASP.NET

    After nearly a year as a community tech preview, Microsoft has released the first true beta of the ASP.NET MVC framework. ASP.NET MVC is a radical departure from the WebForms technology has promoted in the past, and in the opinion of many, a return to mainstream web programming. The MVC pattern provides the cornerstone for web frameworks such as Ruby on Rails and Java's Spring Framework.

  • ASP.NET MVC and Codebehind Files

    The ASP.NET MVC community discusses, if codebehind files are still needed when using the WebFormsViewEngine and whether they are a benefit or a disadvantage or even a problem.

  • Using jQuery with ASP.NET MVC

    The Microsoft ASP.NET MVC Framework has been getting talked about more and more lately. The power and flexibility of ASP.NET MVC allows for developers to use libraries other than those include in the box. The popular JavaScript framework, jQuery, is no exception.

  • Microsoft Releases ASP.NET MVC Framework Preview 4

    In keeping with its releases of about once a month, Microsoft has released Preview 4 the ASP.NET MVC Framework. This release promises to start giving developers more higher level features aiding in better productivity.