InfoQ Homepage Clojure Content on InfoQ
A Love Letter to Clojure
Gene Kim discusses his endeavour as a developer through Clojure.
Functional Composition
Chris Ford shows how to make music starting with the basic building block of sound, the sine wave, and gradually accumulates abstractions culminating in a canon by Johann Sebastian Bach.
Solving New School with the Old School (Clojure)
Jearvon Dharrie discusses Clojure, a language that's taking some older ideas and solving 21st-century problems, covering types, clojure.spec, parallelism and concurrency with core.async, and more.
Writing Extensible Functional Code
Renan Ranelli discusses Protocols (Elixir & Clojure) and TypeClasses (Haskell) and relates them to alternatives in other languages (Mixins in Ruby and Extension Methods in C#).
Taming The Wild Frontier - Adventures in ClojureScript
John Stevenson discusses the benefits of using ClojureScript to write web applications.
Homoiconicity: It Is What It Is
Stuart Sierra demonstrates the power that comes from having the same data representation at all layers: programming language, specification, database, inter-process communication, and user interface.
Clojure Spec: Expressing Data Constraints without Types
Alex Miller introduces Clojure Spec which can be used for program validation, documentation, destructuring, instrumentation, data generation, and automatic generative testing.
Parasitic Programming Languages
David Nolen examines the benefits and tradeoffs associated with creating a language based on an existing runtime, with a special focus on the Clojure and ClojureScript projects.
Using Clojure and Neo4j to Build a Meetup Recommendation Engine
Mark Needham shows how a meetup recommendation engine using Neo4j and Clojure can be built from scratch, combining content-based and collaborative filtering using Cypher and Clojure.
Understanding Core Clojure Functions
Jonathan Graham presents how to implement our own versions of the Clojure functions reduce, count, filter, map and pmap.
CIDER: Building a Clojure Interactive Development Environment that Rocks in Emacs
Bozhidar Batsov introduces CIDER, an interactive development environment for Clojure, discussing building dev tools on top of Emacs, the history of the project, current state and plans for its future.
Contracts in Clojure: Settling Types vs Tests
Jessica Kerr talks about Clojure and explores the potential of contracts as the best-yet compromise between types and tests.