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InfoQ Homepage Design Pattern Content on InfoQ

  • Aggregates, Entities and Value Objects in Domain-Driven Design

    Move as much as possible of the behaviour away from the Entities into Value Objects when working with Aggregates, As more behaviour is needed this is added as new value objects, Paul Rayner recommends in a series of blog posts covering aggregates, entities and value objects, all concepts from Domain-Driven Design (DDD).

  • Architecture, Technology and the Lava Layer Anti-Pattern

    Successive changes to architecture and technology throughout the lifetime of an application can lead to a fragile and fragmented codebase that is hard to understand and maintain, an anti-pattern named Lava Flow or Lava Layer that Mike Hadlow often finds in enterprise software, especially in large, mission critical and long-lived software.

  • Exploring the Hexagonal Architecture

    Layered systems are an architectural style used essentially to avoid coupling, the biggest enemy of software maintainability, with Ports and Adapters, or a Hexagonal Architecture, an example of such an architecture, Ian Cooper explains in a presentation about architecture styles, specifically the Hexagonal Architecture.

  • Domain-Driven Design with Onion Architecture

    Domain-Driven Design (DDD) together with Onion Architecture is a combination that Wade Waldron believes has increased his code quality dramatically since he started using it a few years back. Using DDD was a kick-off but together with Onion architecture he found his code to be more readable and understandable, and far easier to maintain.

  • Java 8 Update 11 Broke Third Party Tools

    Oracle's latest update to Java, 8 update 11, introduced a breaking change that has affected a range of third-party tools, including JRebel, Groovy and Google's Guice library.

  • Protocol Design and Implementation with Martin Thompson

    Martin Thompson answers a few questions about the opportunity for developers and architects to introduce custom protocols to their system's interaction points.

  • Facebook: MVC Does Not Scale, Use Flux Instead [Updated]

    This article has been updated based on community and Jing Chen (Facebook)’s reaction. (See the Update section below.) Facebook came to the conclusion that MVC does not scale up for their needs and has decided to use a different pattern instead: Flux.

  • Object Oriented Design Principles and Functional Programming

    Independently from each other, Richard Warburton in a presentation, and Mark Seemann in a blog post both talks about object-orientation and the SOLID design principles from a functional programming perspective.

  • Design Patterns for Cloud-Hosted Applications

    The patterns & practices group at Microsoft have released a guide with solutions and patterns suitable when implementing cloud-hosted applications. The guide contains ten guidance topics together with 24 design patterns targeting eight categories of problems covering common areas in cloud application development. Also included are ten sample applications to demonstrate the usage these patterns.

  • SOLID Design Principles for JavaScript

    The SOLID principles is one example from object oriented programming that can help you write good stable JavaScript code, Derick Bailey, an author and developer focusing on JavaScript, states in a recent presentation.

  • Design Patterns for JavaScript Applications

    Writing increasingly larger and more complex JavaScript applications we tend to overlook the core principles involved, Carl Danley, a senior web engineer, motivates a series of blog posts about JavaScript design patterns. Patterns provide a clear approach to writing structured and maintainable code, concepts which are important when developing large JavaScript applications.

  • Implementing Hexagonal Architecture using Life Preserver and Spring Framework

    Russ Miles recently shared some thoughts and ideas about the needs for adaptability in a system and how his implementation of the Hexagonal Architecture can help in achieving this. He used a Java and Spring based application to exemplify how such a system can be implemented.

  • SOLID Design Principles and Other Patterns Revisited For .NET

    Andras Nemes, a web developer on the .NET platform, is doing a series of blog posts on the SOLID design principles and other design patterns he has found interesting in object-oriented programming and design, currently on D in SOLID, the Dependency Inversion Principle. Earlier he has among other patterns covered Command, Builder, Visitor, Bridge and Observer.

  • Build Simplicity into a System with Simple Event-Driven Components

    Use events for interactions between small business components to bring simplicity to a system’s architecture, Russ Miles suggests in a recent presentation about simple event-driven components, as a follow-up on his talk a month earlier where he laid the architectural ground for his ideas about simplicity.

  • Events bring Simplicity to a System's Architecture

    Using events for interactions between small business components can bring simplicity to a system’s architecture, Russ Miles explained in a presentation last week talking about Architectural Simplicity through Events.