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  • GigaSpaces XAP 6.0:スペースベースアーキテクチャ向けの簡易化SpringベースAPI

    GigaSpaces recently released version 6.0 of it's eXtreme Application Platform (XAP), which is an infrastructure software platform that provides scaling out of applications in distributed environments. InfoQ spoke with Geva Perry and Nati Shalom of GigaSpaces to learn more about this release and the changes that have occurred in this version.

  • Presentation: Cluster your JVM to simplify application architecture

    Open Terracotta is an open-source, highly scalable, JVM-level clustering solution. As well as being a drop-in replacement for Tomcat Clustering, it can transparently cluster POJOs and Spring beans. This presentation will be an in-depth case study of a small mobile application built using Terracotta clustering.

  • A Real World Example of Using Terracotta: Clustering RIFE

    Terracotta's Jonas Bonér recently detailed how he and Geert Bevin (who was recently hired by Terracotta) clustered the RIFE web application framework. The article provides valuable insight into RIFE's continuations implementation as well as some of the challenges in clustering a non-trivial application like RIFE.

  • Terracotta improves failover support, adds clustering for 5 more frameworks

    JVM heap-level clustering solution Terracotta released v2.3 yesterday, adding TCP/IP-based active/passive failover, cluster-membership events, and a new pre-configured module system for quick clustering Tomcat, Weblogic, Spring, Lucene, RIFE, Struts 1, Cglib, and iBatis. Jetty has been working on clustering Ajax cometd apps. RIFE's Geert Bevin is also now working for Terracotta.

  • Wicket support on Terracotta nears completion

    The Wicket and Terracotta teams have Wicket up and running on Open Terracotta. Support is still not complete, but most of the examples that ship with Wicket now run without any problems. As soon as they have all the kinks out, Terracotta will put the configuration into a Terracotta config module.

  • Article: Web Apps with Spring Web Flow and Terracotta for Spring

    In this article, Jonas Boner and Eugene Kuleshov give an overview of Spring Web Flow and Terracotta for Spring, and after that show you how you can use these technologies together to enter a new dimension in writing stateful, conversational, scalable and highly available web applications.

  • Article: Introduction to OpenTerracotta

    OpenTerracotta is an open source enterprise-class JVM clustering solution that can take multi-threaded single-JVM apps and have them run across multiple JVMs with no code changes. Orion Letizi goes super-indepth on Terracotta and how it works, explaining how to do session replication, distributed caching, master/worker, and more.

  • Using Terracotta for clustering or as a POJO-based Data Grid

    Two recent articles discuss Terracotta DSO. The first is an overview piece that walks through using Terracotta in a simple example. The second is an article describing how to use Terracotta to build a POJO-based Data Grid.

  • Terracotta open sources JVM clustering

    Terracotta today open sourced their JVM clustering solution under MPL-based license. Terracotta turns single-node, multi-threaded apps into distributed multi-node apps with no code changes. Also open sourced are customizations for clustering Spring Application contexts and HTTPSessions. The VC-backed Terracotta is switching from a commercial license model to a service & support model.

  • Clustering Lucene with TerraCotta

    Engineers at TerraCotta have detailed a new way to cluster Lucene, the popular text search library from Apache. Their method involves implementing the Lucene RAMDirectory interface and using TerraCotta DSO to share the RAMDirectory across JVMs.

  • Terracotta Releases Clustering for Spring

    Terracotta, Inc. recently released their new Terracotta for Spring product which provides high-availability and high performance clustering to applications written using the Spring framework. Terracotta for Spring integrates at the configuration file level reducing the need for developers to make changes to their code to enable clustering support.

  • Terracotta releases free 4 node Tomcat Session Clustering

    JVM clustering vendor Terracotta has released for free use their Terracotta Sessions for Tomcat. The product is based on their distributed shared objects (DSO) product which uses a hub and spoke architecture and can synchronize changes across nodes at the field level (instead of serialization). The license allows projects with up to 4 nodes in their cluster to use it for free.