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InfoQ Homepage Erlang Content on InfoQ

  • Chef 11 is Ready for Hyperscale

    Opscode released Chef 11 early this month with enhancements to its scalability to meet the demands of hyperscale web operations. Opscode rewrote the entire server core API in Erlang and at the same time kept it backward compatible. Opscode renamed the core server API "Erchef" to complement the rewrite in Erlang.

  • Is C Still A Suitable Language Today?

    Damien Katz, Couchbase, believes that C is still a great language for back-end programming, while other developers argue that C has too many flaws, supporting C++ or Java, while others like neither.

  • Community-Driven Research: Why Are You Not Using Functional Languages?

    InfoQ's research initiative continues with an 11th question: "Why Are You Not Using Functional Languages?". This is a new service we hope will provide you with up-to-date & bias-free community-based insight into trends & behaviors that affect enterprise software development. Unlike traditional vendor/analyst-based research, our research is based on answers provided by YOU.

  • Travis CI Announces Support for Java and Plans for Travis Pro

    Travis CI, a cloud-based continuous integration (CI) offering for open source projects on Github, has announced support for Java builds, as well as Scala and Groovy additions. After gaining traction among the Ruby open source community the project is now looking into the possibility of expansion to a hosted CI service (nicknamed Travis Pro).

  • Akka 1.1 Released, Brings Many Improvements to Futures and Performance, Reduces Dependencies,

    Akka 1.1 was released with many improvements in performance, Futures and more. The basic Akka also has no dependencies except for Scala 2.9. InfoQ caught up with Jonas Bonér to talk about the current state and the future of Akka.

  • Erlang Copied Scala's Actors & Erlang's VM is almost a Clone of the JVM

    Erlang Co-creators, Joe Armstrong and Robert Virding, admit that Erlang is heavily inspired by the Java world. In an interview at ErlangFactory 2011 SF, they reveal how Scala Actors had shaped their work in what they then called Erlang Processes. Moreover, they acknowledge the fact that Erlang's VM is barely a clone of the famous JVM.

  • Python Wins Tiobe's Language of the Year Award for 2010

    Tiobe's award is given to the programming language that gained most market share in 2010. Objective-C was the leader for most of 2010 but got lost ground in the last couple of months. Python grew it's market share by 1.81% since January 2010, which is nearly 4 times the overall marketshare of SAP's programming language ABAP.

  • Cloudant releases Java based view server for CouchDB

    Cloudant the company behind CouchDB just released Java View Server for CouchDB. That means that not only Erlang and interpreted languages like Javascript or Python can be used to write Map-Reduce jobs but also JVM based languages.

  • Object Oriented Programming: The Wrong Path?

    In a QCon London 2010 interview with Joe Armstrong, the original developer of Erlang, and Ralph Johnson, long associated with Smalltalk, OOP, and Patterns, the question of whther we've gone down the "wrong path" w.r.t. object orientation all these yearrs. Both interviewees suggest that we have, but this is due to flaws in the implementation of object ideas and not the ideas themselves.

  • OpenCredo Announces AMQP Support for Spring Integration

    OpenCredo Ltd has announced support for talking to Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) based messagng servers from Spring Integration, a lightweight ESB-like messaging framework. The new support brings MOM vendors whose product doesn't support JMS to users of the Spring Integration framework. Some Message Queues, like RabbitMQ, are very scalable and don't support JMS.

  • BERT as Dynamic Alternative to Protocol Buffers/Thrift

    Google's ProtocolBuffers and Facebook's Thrift are options for binary serialization, but not ones that pleased the GitHub team - so they created BERT/BERT-RPC based on the Erlang's 'external term format'. BERT/BERT-RPC now power parts of Github's internal communication.

  • Empower Your Ruby With Haskell And Hubris

    Embedding C in Ruby or Rails applications is a way to fix performance bottle necks. RubyInline made this easy for C. Mark Wotton recently created Hubris, a bridge which makes it possible to call Haskell code from Ruby.

  • Exploring Tuple Spaces Persistence In Ruby With Blackboard

    Ruby has long been criticized for 1.8's limited green threads. Luc Castera gave a presentation at RubyNation about Concurrent Programming with Ruby and Tuple Spaces. He introduces 2 ways of implementing TupleSpaces in Ruby: Rinda and Blackboard using Redis (with plans to porting it to Erlang).

  • Presentation: Building RESTful Web Services with Erlang and YAWS

    In this presentation recorded at QCon SF 2008, Steve Vinoski shows how to create RESTful web services using YAWS and Erlang. The presentation introduces YAWS and offers YAWS-Erlang code snippets on how to implement REST principles.

  • Erlang and Ruby Roundup: 37Signals, Erlectricity

    37Signals is the latest company to use Erlang in combination with Ruby. The recent Erlang Factory conference also had other examples of Erlang use at EngineYard as well as a talk about Erlectricity, the library that connects Erlang and Ruby.