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InfoQ Homepage GUI Content on InfoQ

  • Webix 1.1 Adds Improved Server Side Integration, REST API and XSS Safe Support

    The recently released Webix 1.1 includes improved server side integration and bug detection including the ability to disable any view. It also includes support for REST API and enable developers to define XSS safe template in addition to load data from server side.

  • Google Donates WindowBuilder Pro and CodePro AnalytiX to Eclipse

    Following on from Google's acquisition of Instantiations and their relaunch of WindowBuilder products, Google has announced that they are donating WindowBuilder Pro and CodePro Profiler to, with an intention to release simultaneously with Eclipse Indigo in June 2011.

  • Article: What Would Alan Cooper Do?

    In this article, Naysawn Naderi makes a summary of About Face 3, Alan Cooper’s book, noting some key takeaway points. The User Interface plays an important role in an application, be it a desktop one, a web application or a mobile one, and the guidelines contained by the article help creating better interfaces.

  • JRuby GUI MVC Framework Monkeybars Goes 1.0

    There are many JRuby libraries on top of Java GUI toolkits. Monkeybars is a JRuby MVC framework for building GUI applications, and it's now available in version 1.0. We talked to James Britt about Monkeybars.

  • Article: Colors and the UI

    In this article, Dr. Tobias Komischke explains how colors used in a GUI can influence our interaction with a computer and offers advice on using the appropriate colors for the interface.

  • MacRuby 0.3 Release Brings Interface Builder Support, HotCocoa for GUI Building

    MacRuby 0.3 was released with many improvements, among them support for GUIs built with the InterfaceBuilder. Also: HotCocoa, a Builder-style API for Cocoa GUIs is shipped with the new release of MacRuby.

  • Comparing GUI Patterns in PureMVC and Cairngorm

    On June 9, 2008 Per Olesen, a seasoned Java developer, published a blog post on Tech Per to comparing the two most popular Flex frameworks, PureMVC and Cairngorm, in particular with respect to usability and how they apply patterns of GUI architecture.

  • Pivot: Re-Inventing the Java Applet?

    Pivot is a new GUI toolkit meant to compete with Flex and Silverlight, and is targeted specifically at Java applets powered by the upcoming consumer JRE.

  • Article: FXRuby: Create Lean and Mean GUIs with Ruby

    "FXRuby: Create Lean and Mean GUIs with Ruby" is a new book about the FXRuby GUI library. InfoQ talked to the book's author Lyle Johnson about FXRuby's implementation, threading and more. Also: an InfoQ-exclusive sample chapter from the book.

  • Ruby Shoes Roundup: Ruby-Processing with JRuby, The Shoebox, GitHub

    We look at the recent developments around the Ruby Shoes GUI toolkit. The Shoebox is a repository for sharing applications written using Shoes. Next to useful applications, Ruby-Processing uses JRuby to get the Processing environment into Ruby.

  • Glimmer - using JRuby and SWT for Eclipse RCP apps

    Glimmer is a library for building GUIs with JRuby and SWT. Using the Builder idiom, it allows to define GUIs very quickly, but also permits to access SWT APIs directly. Glimmer was recently proposed as an official Eclipse project, so we caught up with Andy Maleh to talk about the project.

  • Anvil - Ruby MVC GUI library

    Anvil is a new Ruby GUI MVC framework aimed to make GUI development with Ruby simpler. Taking ideas from Rails and Merb, it provides code generators and other tools to automate much of the tedious work. InfoQ caught up with the developer Lance Carlson to see what's behind Anvil and what's planned for future releases.

  • Ruby.NET 0.9 improves .NET interop, adds Form designer support

    Ruby.NET, a project to compile Ruby source to .NET CIL, just released version 0.9. The release comes with improved .NET integration and a nearly complete implementation of the Ruby standard library. To top it off, Ruby.NET VS integration ships Form Builder support to help build Ruby GUI apps.

  • Ruby Shoes for lightweight GUIs, graphics and animation

    Ruby GUI toolkits are a dime dozen - but Why The Lucky Stiff managed to create one with a novel approach. Ruby Shoes facilitates animation, 2D graphics, and simple interaction. We take a look at its distinguishing features.

  • .NET to Ruby connector available

    The Ruby Connector allows communication between .NET and Ruby. This brings the power of .NET to Ruby, and allows to use Ruby to power Visual Studio generated GUIs.