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  • Scala & Spring: Combine the best of both worlds

    Based on a concrete example with Scala, Spring and JPA the article explains how to enhance Spring with Scala’s powerful concepts such as implicit conversions and traits. Moreover, it shows how the gap between a Java based framework and Scala can smoothly be bridged.

  • An In-Depth Look at Clojure Collections

    If you're familiar with Clojure, then you may know that at its heart lays a powerful set of immutable, persistent, collection types. This article covers the underpinnings of these collection types including a deep dive into a couple of them; namely vectors and maps, and presents an example of how viewing a problem through the lens of the "Clojure way" can greatly simply a design.

  • JSR 292 and the Multi-lingual JVM

    Java 7 is looking to improve support for dynamic languages using the Java Virtual Machine for their runtime environment. John Rose has been leading a project to explore some options, and JSR 292 will standardise some of this work for Java 7. InfoQ takes a look at the problems JSR 292 solves, and talks to JRuby lead Charles Nutter to find out more about InvokeDynamic in practice.

  • Scaling Clojure Web Apps with Google AppEngine

    InfoQ takes a look at how a combo of Clojure and Google AppEngine (GAE) powers a new online project management tool, how Clojure integrates with GAE's key/value store, and the power of LISP.

  • Orchestrating RESTful Services With Mule ESB And Groovy

    In this article, David Dossot, co-author of Mule in Action, examines the power of Mule RESTpack and Groovy in orchestrating RESTful services in the Mule messaging platform. The article detail the interactions for each of these steps and will consider what particular Mule moving parts and Groovy features we have used to achieve such an interaction.

  • Clojure and Rails - the Secret Sauce Behind FlightCaster

    FlightCaster, a realtime flight delay site, is built on Clojure and Hadoop for the statistical analysis. The web frontend is built with Ruby on Rails and hosted on Heroku. We talked to Bradford Cross about Clojure, functional programming and tips for OOP developers interested in making the jump.

  • Talking RubyMine with JetBrains Developer Dmitry Jemerov

    One of the more interesting announcements recently coming to the Ruby community was the release of JetBrains RubyMine IDE for Ruby and Ruby on Rails applications. The Ruby community is known for not typically using an integrated development environment (IDE) such as .NET or Java developers use. Ruby developers usually stick to plain text editors such as TextMate, Vim and Emacs.

  • What's New in Groovy 1.6

    Groovy project lead writes about Groovy 1.6 changes and improvements, including include performance enhancements, integration of JMX Builder, and OSGi readiness.

  • Writing JEE applications with Grails and Flex

    Grails and Flex both have significant advantages in different parts of the software stack. In this new article you will learn how they can be combined to take advantage of each's strengths. Topics covered include component communication, data transfer, and JMS integration.

  • A Look at Ruby Debuggers

    A misconception lingers in the Ruby world: Ruby has no debugger. This is blatantly wrong - Ruby has debuggers, GUIs for debuggers and APIs for debuggers. InfoQ takes a close look at the state of debugging tools in the Ruby world - and finds that its debugging support is more than sufficient.

  • Drinking your Guice too quickly?

    Dependency Injection has been around for a while, and many teams are refactoring their applications to use DI. But it can be a struggle. In this article, Paul Hammant explains the route to take to move an existing application from a nest-of-singletons design to a full fledged DI design.

  • Interview and Book Excerpt: Ola Bini, "Practical JRuby on Rails Web 2.0 Projects"

    JRuby core developer Ola Bini sat down to talk with InfoQ about Ruby and how he came to be involved with JRuby. In the interview Bini talks about the challenges of developing JRuby and where it is headed in the future. In addition to the interview, InfoQ is also proud to present an excerpt from Bini's book Practical JRuby on Rails Web 2.0 Projects.